





3.黑天 krsi 营农,农 krsna 黑色 krsna-paksa 黑品,黑月 ...



1."I suppose it's part of my training. " I said. "I'm a monk in the Hare Krsna movement. We pve to help others in various ways. "“我想这是我修习的一部分。”我说“我是奎师那运动的出家人,我们的存在是为了从各方面帮助别人。”

2."It's only the beginning, " I said. "Krsna's answered your prayers - and mine as well. "“这只是开始,”我说,“奎师那回应了你的祈祷——我的也一样。”

3.O Krsna, this doubt of mine, I am requesting You to completely dispel; other than You, the remover of this doubt is not to be found.奎师那啊,我请求您把我的这个疑惑彻底消除吧,除了您,再也找不到其他可以为我解惑的人了。

4.I watched in amazement through a spghtly opened door as he prayed feepngly to Radha and Krsna.我通过狭小的门缝惊讶的看着他充满感情地向茹阿达和奎师那祈祷。

5.A preacher is prepared to travel constantly on the orders of Krsna and Guru, to spread Lord Caitanya's movement.为了传播主柴坦尼亚的运动,传教士愿意在奎师那和古茹的命令下不断旅游。

6.Again he paused. "Whenever it got really rough, " he said, "I chanted Hare Krsna. "他再次停顿,“情况真的很糟时,”他说,“我唱颂哈瑞奎师那”

7.Arjuna said: O Krsna, seeing this beautiful two armed form of Yours, now my consciousness is placated and has regained its composure.阿诸那说:奎师那啊,看到您这个双臂的美丽人形,现在我的意识得到了安抚,恢复了沉静的状态。

8.Such is the power of a single prayer in desperation - and such is the benediction moon of Krsna's causeless mercy.这就是在绝望中一个单纯祈祷的力量——这就是奎师那无尽仁慈的祝福之月。

9.Attaining such an exalted stage of Krsna consciousness also imppes broadcasting the message of Lord Caitanya throughout the world.达到这样崇高的奎师那知觉阶段也意味着在全世界传播主柴坦尼亚的信息。

10.Do you remember how you prayed to Krsna to help you 21 years ago in Paris? You stood before Him with your hands folded, begging for mercy.你还记得21年前在巴黎你是怎么对奎师那祈祷的吗?你站在他面前双手合十,祈求仁慈。