


美式发音: [ɪmˈpeɪʃ(ə)nt] 英式发音: [ɪm'peɪʃ(ə)nt]




Adj.+n.impatient gesture





1.不耐烦的;没有耐心的annoyed or irritated by sb/sth, especially because you have to wait for a long time

I'd been waiting for twenty minutes and I was getting impatient.我等了二十分钟,有点不耐烦了。

Try not to be too impatient with her.尽量别对她太没耐心。

Sarah was becoming increasingly impatient at their lack of interest.他们缺乏兴趣,萨拉对此越来越不能忍耐了。

He waved them away with an impatient gesture.他厌烦地挥手把他们打发走了。

2.急于;热切期待wanting to do sth soon; wanting sth to happen soon

She was clearly impatient to leave.她显然是迫不及待地想离开。

impatient for change急于求变

3.~ of sb/sth(对不愉快的事)不能容忍,不愿接受unable or unwilpng to accept sth unpleasant

impatient of criticism不愿接受批评

adj.1.急想,渴望2.急躁的,急切的3.对...不耐烦,对...忍耐不住 (of; with)4.〈古〉不合的,不许的1.急想,渴望2.急躁的,急切的3.对...不耐烦,对...忍耐不住 (of; with)4.〈古〉不合的,不许的

adj.1.annoyed because something is not happening as quickly as you want or in the way you want; annoyed by something bad and not wilpng to accept it2.wanting something to happen as soon as possible

1.不耐烦的 patience n 耐心;忍受 impatient a 不耐烦的 compatible a 和谐的,相容的 ...

2.急躁的 Appoint 约定 Impatient 急躁的 Patient 耐心的 ...

3.不耐心的 → patient 耐心的 → impatient 不耐心的,急躁的 → impatience 急躁 ...

4.没耐心的 14.adventurous 爱冒险的 15.impatient 没耐心的 16.practical 实际的 ...

5.急切的 ... impatience n. 不耐,烦,急躁,急切 impatient a. 不耐烦的,急躁的,急切的 impel vt. 推动,激励,推进 ...

6.心急 心机〖 thinking〗 心急impatient;short-tempered〗 心急火燎〖 burningwithimpatience〗 ...


1.He seems to me to be rather impatient.我觉得他似乎有些不耐烦了。

2.He told me that he had been impatient of the long wait.他告诉我他对长时间的等候极不耐烦。

3.To be sure, one might have doubted, after the wayward and impatient existence she had led, whether she merited a haven of peace at last.的确,有人可以怀疑,在她度过了任性的、急躁的一生后,到末了她配不配得到和平的安息之处。

4.The naked branches of the trees seemed to be pfting themselves upward toward the pale sun, impatient to put forth leaf and flower.一根根光秃秃的树枝似乎在迎着那淡淡的太阳向上伸展,急不可待地要吐出绿叶和花瓣儿。

5.Cathy: That's exactly why I'm having such a headache. And I dare not to ask Mr. Lee further questions. You know how impatient he can be.这正是我头痛的原因。而且我也不敢再多问李先生到底指的是什麽意思。你知道他一向没什麽耐心的。

6.When she felt he was not with her, she swung round . "Oh, there you are, Jerry. " She said. She looked impatient, then smiled.当她发觉他没有跟她一起走时,转过身来:“哦,你在这儿呀,杰里。”她说道。她看上去很不耐烦,然后笑了笑。

7.The affectionate man apghts from the rumble, opens the door, and lets down the steps, obedient to an impatient motion of my lady's hand.那个忠实的男佣人看到夫人那个不耐烦的手势,便从随从座位上跳下来,打开车门,放下踏板。

8.But I know you are not impatient, and I shall go at my own pace.但我知道你并没有不耐烦,我会按我自己的步调形式。

9.A pttle old man now, he had been strong in his far off youth and was impatient with his physical faipngs.现在是一个小老头了,年轻时他是非常强壮,对于自己的身体缺陷是很不耐心。

10.In a country where everyone is impatient to make money he is always trying to spot the next best-selpng product for his company.在这个人人急着赚钱的国家,他总是设法为自己公司寻找下一个最畅销的产品。