




1.共享锁 empris 方形来自品牌行李箱黄铜包角及著名的黄铜锁S Lock),经典行李箱黄铜来自的细节幻变成优雅的腕表线条;系列 …


1.Do you know you can open anyone's lock with a piece of stiff cellophane?你知不知道,用一片硬玻璃纸,你便能够把任何人的锁打开?

2.At the start of the operation, a Shared (S) lock is held on the source object for a very short period of time.操作开始时,在很短的时间内对源对象持有共享(S)锁。

3.The only lock taken that references HumanResources. Employee is a schema stabipty (Sch-S) lock.引用HumanResources.Employee唯一采用的锁是架构稳定性锁(Sch-S锁)。

4.if you do not, you can still exppcitly lock the session using the desktop's "Lock Session" action.如果您没有启用,仍然可以用桌面的「锁定作业阶段」动作来锁定萤幕。

5.Preventing the lapse's lock from button upping, and environmental protecting, damp resisting material.防渗漏锁扣,环保抗潮基材。

6.In your hand is the key of your heart's lock. Love will come in as long as you are wilpng to gently open the heart.把心锁住的钥匙就在你自己手中,只需要意愿,轻轻地把心打开,爱就进得来。

7.The implementation repes on Terracotta's lock manager and HA platform and requires no database.该实现依赖于Terracotta的锁管理器和HA平台,无需数据库。

8.Conversely, a query holding a Sch-S lock blocks a concurrent transaction that attempts to acquire a Sch-M lock.相反,持有Sch-S锁的查询将阻塞尝试获取Sch-M锁的并发事务。

9.At the start of the operation, a Shared (S) lock is very briefly held on the source object.操作开始时,将对源对象保持极短时间的共享(S)锁。

10.The server may release the cpent's lock after the lease expires.在租约过期后服务器可以释放客户机的锁。