



美式发音: [ˈfʌŋɡəs] 英式发音: ['fʌŋɡəs]




复数:funguses  复数:fungi  




n.1.a type of plant without leaves, flowers, or green color that grows mainly in wet places or on decaying substancesThere are many different types of fungi, including mushrooms, mildews, yeasts, and molds.

adj.1.Same as fungous

1.真菌 被子植物亚门( Angiosperlmae) 菌类Fungi) 粘菌门( Myxomycophyta) ...

4.霉菌霉菌毒素是霉菌 ( fungi ) 生产的化学物质,人与动物若吃了含有霉毒素的食物或饲料则会致甚至於死亡。有些霉菌毒素是是神 …

5.真菌类真菌类(Fungi):真菌类并不具有孢子体世代,只具有短暂的二倍体单细胞(zygote),或是n+n倍体所形成的世代,例如香菇的子 …

6.菌类植物菌类菌类植物(Fungi)体的营养细胞内无叶绿素及其它光合色素,一般营寄生或腐生生活,寄生就是从活的有机体中获得营养物 …

7.菌物第二章菌物Fungi)_植物学例题习题混合媒体6-4菌类电子教案文本 第三章地衣(Lichens)_植物学例题习题混合媒体 6-5地 …

8.真菌学真菌学(FUNGI)放线菌学(ACTINOMYCETES)等.(三)根据微生物的应用领域不同,形成的分支学科工业微生物学(INTUSTRIAL MI…


1.In contrast to the universal nature of the DNA code, the histone language and its decoding machinery differ among animals, plants and fungi.与此相反的普遍性的DNA代码,组的语言和其解码机制不同的动物,植物和真菌。

2.The visible body of these fungi consists of a mass of intricately branched filaments, collectively referred to as a mycepum.这些真菌的有形身体由一个大规模复杂的分枝的丝状体,统称为一个菌丝。

3.Recently, the studies on them have been a hot region. Thus it is of great significance to comprehensively exploit the macro fungi.近年来,对大型真菌色素的研究开发已成为一项热门领域,对真菌资源综合利用有着重要的意义。

4.The study did not focus on whether the fungi had been a threat to human health.该研究的焦点并非是这些真菌是否已对人类健康造成威胁。

5.While those fungi take months, even years, to break down wood, the gut-borne fungi seem to do it much faster.虽然这些真菌需要几个月,甚至几年,打破木材,肠道传染真菌似乎这样做要快得多。

6.The probe did not focus on whether the dishwasher fungi had been any threat to health.此项研究调查的焦点并非是这些真菌是否已对人类健康造成威胁。

7.Each one of these names corresponds to a variety of those misshapen fungi from the under side of civipzation.这些名字中的每一个都代表文明底下的那些奇形怪状的毒蕈中的一种。

8.Between the world of organic and inorganic metabopsm of these transactions, so that the pves of animals and fungi is possible.有机和无机世界之间的这些代谢交易,使动物和真菌的生命成为可能。

9.In other words, antibiotic level was the most effective on the inhibition rate of Trichoderma to pathogenic fungi and proteinase the least.表明影响木霉菌防效的最主要的因素为菌株的抗生类物质水平和?。

10.Dissemination of the infectious agent (M. tuberculosis, fungi) may produce a similar pattern in other organs.感染性播散在其它器官中也可以产生类似的病变。