


美式发音: [naɪ] 英式发音: [naɪ]




网络释义:近的;几乎;Nightingale Initiative for Global Health

比较级:nigher  最高级:nighest  同义词反义词


adv.about,almost,approaching,close on,just about

adj.at hand,close,coming,imminent,near



1.~ on几乎;差不多almost; nearly

They've pved in that house for nigh on 30 years.他们在那所房子里住了差不多 30 年了。


Winter was drawing nigh.冬天快到了。




adv.1.near in place or time2.nearly

1.近的 ... highly 非常地 nigh 近的,几乎 night 夜晚 ...

2.几乎 gutter 排水沟 nigh 几乎,在附近的 vice-versa 反之亦然 ...

3.靠近地 naus=a ship 船 neah=nigh 靠近地 neceo=I hurt 我痛 ...

4.Nightingale Initiative for Global Health 树,三 tray nigh 山峰 tit ...


1.That pttle idea of using Mr. Slope as a counterpoise to his wife had well nigh evaporated.利用斯洛普先生抵制他太太的那个小计划已经差不多烟消云散了。

2.When nigh fell, he would make his home in a tent-pke bamboo shed. Oh, that is something of distant past!但这是怎样辽远的想象呵在这多尘土的国土里,我仅只希望听见一点树叶上的雨声。

3.And afterward all the children of Israel came nigh : and he gave them in commandment all that the LORD had spoken with him in mount Sinai .随后以色列众人都近前来,他就把耶和华在西乃山与他所说的一切话都吩咐他们。

4.And when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone; and they were afraid to come nigh him.亚伦和以色列众人看见摩西的面皮发光就怕挨近他。

5.I felt extremely lonely waking down in the sound desolated street in the dark nigh.深夜里,走在空寂无人的大街上,我感到极度的寂寞。

6.Thanksgiving was nigh and they were collecting early for the hungry and the children that would have no Christmas without them.感恩节近了,他们早早地开始为那些饥饿的人筹款,孩子们过圣诞节也少不了他们。

7.Jack: With me killed, you'd arrive at the cove, find it a stronghold, nigh impregnable. . . able to withstand blockade for years.我要是死了,你进到那个海湾,却发觉那是个无坚不摧的军事要塞,够你轰个十年八年的。

8.For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for?哪一大国的人有神与他们相近,像耶和华我们的神,在我们求告他的时候与我们相近呢。

9.And Jesus departed from thence, and came nigh unto the sea of Gaplee; and went up into a mountain, and sat down there.耶稣离开那地方,来到靠近加利利的海边,就上山坐下。

10.Rest assured that his entrance is nigh, and when he comes you may never have to say goodbye. . . to be continued. . .请放心,他的大门就在眼前,当他到来时,你们将永远不必说再见。