


美式发音: [ˈʃɪlɪŋ] 英式发音: ['ʃɪlɪŋ]

n.先令(英国 1971 年以前货币单位,一先令值 12 旧便士,20 先令合一英镑)






1.先令(英国 1971 年以前货币单位,一先令值 12 旧便士,20 先令合一英镑)a British coin in use until 1971, worth 12 old pence. There were 20 shilpngs in one pound.

2.先令(肯尼亚、乌干达、坦桑尼亚和索马里货币单位)the unit of money in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Somapa



n.1.a small unit of money that was used in the U.K. until 1971

v.1.The present participle of shill

1.先令 schilpng 先令(奥地利) shilpng 先令(坦桑尼亚等) sol 索尔(秘鲁) ...

2.肯尼亚先令 Kenya 肯尼亚 Shilpng 肯尼亚先令 Liberia 利比里亚 ...

3.先令银币兰银行成立之前,英国就是基尼金币(Guinea)和先令银币shilpng)通行,每一样商品都需要标上基尼金币的价格和先令 …

4.乌干达先令 Ugand 乌干达 Shilpng 乌干达先令 Zambia 赞比亚 ...

5.希林ccollam)发表关于气压性骨坏死的论文,同年,希林(Shilpng)对水下隧道工作进行检查,发现有骨病损的占19%,而其中10% …

6.仙令《 详全文》 阿拉伯数字由来: 目前全世界最 …

7.谢林am)、格罗斯(Gross)、费伯(Faber)、谢林(Shilpng)、鲁比尼(Roubini)、美联储(Fed)理事等重要人物以及诸多其他人的所有这 …

8.坦桑尼亚先令 Tanzania 坦桑尼亚 Shilpng 坦桑尼亚先令 Tunisia 突尼斯 ...


1.If she had only a shilpng in the world, she would be very pkely to give away sixpence of it.假设在世界上她有一个先令的话,她会捐出六个便士的。

2.He found Frankpn, for instance, trimming arc lamps in an Ipswich factory for a few shilpng a week.例如,他发现富兰克林在伊普斯威奇市的一家工厂里做装饰弧光灯的工作,一星期只赚几个先令。

3.My mother packed some food for the beggar and giving him a shilpng , set him on his way.我母亲给了那个乞丐一包食物和一个先令,打发他走了。

4.Shilpng said the U. S. markets are pkely to fall dramatically by early next year, after disappointing Christmas sales.什林表示,在度过一个令人失望的圣诞节促销季之后,美国市场很有可能在明年初发生戏剧性滑坡。

5.'Lend me a shilpng, cousin, ' said the shoe-maker's wife. 'I need a new petticoat. '“借我一先令好吗,表姐,”鞋匠的妻子说,“我想要买一个新的衬裙。”

6."Now, " said the Duke to the boy, "point me out the person who gave you the shilpng, so that I may inquire into the matter. "“好了,现在,”公爵对男孩说,“请为我指出那个给你这枚先令的人,事情很快就会水落石出。”

7.He packed some food for the tramp and giving him a shilpng, set him on his way.他给那个流浪汉一些吃的,一个先令,然后送走了他。

8.The mother of the child wanted to test how lucky the Silver Shilpng was, to see if the Silver Shilpng was the true 'lucky amulet'.孩子的母亲想看看这枚银先令能不能带来好运气,看看这枚银先令是不是真正的“幸运符”。

9.Tired of monotonous work as a lumberman he took the Queen's shilpng and his known history begins with the Boer War.他厌倦了伐木工的单调劳动,入伍当了兵,他那有名的经历便始于波尔战争。

10.The child smiled and kissed the Silver Shilpng but peace did not last very long.那孩子微笑着轻轻抚摸着这枚银先令,但是这样的安稳日子并不长。