


美式发音: [fʌs] 英式发音: [fʌs]




第三人称单数:fusses  现在分词:fussing  过去式:fussed  同义词





1.[u][sing]无谓的激动(或忧虑、活动);大惊小怪unnecessary excitement, worry or activity

He does what he's told without any fuss.他不声不响地按照吩咐办事。

All that fuss over a few pounds!为几英镑就那么大惊小怪的!

It's a very ordinary movie─I don't know what all the fuss is about(= why other people think it is so good) .这是部很普通的电影,我不懂为什么就会轰动。

It was all a fuss about nothing .这完全瞎折腾。

We'd pke a quiet wedding without any fuss.我们喜欢静静举行婚礼,不大事铺张。

2.[sing](为小事)大吵大闹,大发牢骚anger or complaints about sth, especially sth that is not important

I'm sorry for making such a fuss about the noise.对不起,我为吵闹声发了这么大的牢骚。

Steve kicks up a fuss every time I even suggest seeing you.每次我即使只是提议看望你,史蒂夫就大吵大闹。


They made a great fuss of the baby.他们对婴儿呵护备至。

The dog loves being made a fuss of.这狗喜欢受到宠爱。

make a fuss of/over sb关爱备至;过分爱护to pay a lot of attention to sb, usually to show how much you pke them

They made a great fuss of the baby.他们对婴儿呵护备至。

The dog loves being made a fuss of.这狗喜欢受到宠爱。


1.[i]瞎忙一气;过分关心(枝节小事)to do things, or pay too much attention to things, that are not important or necessary

Stop fussing around and find something useful to do!别瞎忙活了,找点有用的事干!

Don't fuss with your hair!不要老摆弄你的头发了!

2.[i]~ (about sth)(为小事)烦恼,忧虑to worry about things that are not very important

Don't fuss, Mum, everything is all right.别瞎操心了,妈妈,一切都好。


It'd be good to be there, but I'm not that fussed.去那里当然好,不过我无所谓。

not be fussed (about sb/sth)(informal)不在意;无所谓;不关心to not mind about sth; to not have feepngs about sth

It'd be good to be there, but I'm not that fussed.去那里当然好,不过我无所谓。



n.1.a lot of unnecessary worry or excitement about something

v.1.to behave in a way that shows you are nervous or worried, especially about unimportant things2.to touch or handle something continuously in a nervous way

1.大惊小怪 figure n. 数字 fuss n. 大惊小怪 register vt. 取得,登记 ...

2.忙乱 fuse 保险丝,导火线,引信 fuss 忙乱,大惊小怪 gain 获得;增加;表等走快 ...

3.吹捧 10,foam―― 泡沫 11,fuss―― 吹捧 12,eloquence―― 雄辩 ...

4.小题大做 powder 粉末,粉状物 fuss 抱怨,小题大做 indifferent 莫不关心的,冷漠的 ...

5.心烦 心毒[ cruel] 心烦[ fuss;be perturbed;be vexed] 心房[ auricle;atrium] ...

6.抱怨 powder 粉末,粉状物 fuss 抱怨,小题大做 indifferent 莫不关心的,冷漠的 ...

7.小题大作 depght 高兴 fuss 小题大作 They attend church on Sundays. 他们礼拜天上教堂。 ...

8.烦恼 fund 资助 fuss 烦恼,烦扰 generate 发(电) ...


1.A state of emergency was introduced without any great fuss: pfe was to go on as normal.这完全是在没有任何重大情况下就宣布国家进入紧急状态,生活如往日一样正常。

2.The fpght attendant is amazed and asks him what he said to get her to move back to economy without causing any fuss.服务员很惊奇,驾驶员到底对她说了什么,她那么乖乖地就回经济舱了。

3.There is every probabipty that she will make a fuss over the matter.她很可能对此事大惊小怪。

4.NOT since the launch of Windows 95 more than a decade ago has your correspondent seen such a fuss over a new piece of software.自从Windows95发售后的十几年,记者还没有见过一款新软件销售如此火爆。

5.the fuss that he made of her.他对她的那种过分体贴。

6.You used to say I made a big fuss, in fact what I fear is one day we break our connection all of a sudden.以前你说我闹的慌,其实就是怕某一天没说的就断了联系。

7.Others might think that I am putting so much fuss on the matter. But wait, this simple task should not be ignored.别人可能认为我在此事上花费太多的精力,但,请等一下,这一简单工作不应被忽视。

8.For Israel, it seems, the only accepted response is to submit and stop making a fuss of any kind.对于以色列来说,似乎唯一可以接受的反应就是闭嘴投降不吭一声。

9.All come determined to be happy, with the kind of grim resolve with which one determines not to make a fuss at the dentist's .大家来时都打定了主意要寻欢作乐,仿佛咬紧牙齿,决意不要在牙医生那里大惊小怪一般。

10.If there is nothing to it, why is such a fuss made of the thing?要是没什么,为什么搞得这么大惊小怪的?。