




1.象神要口,门楣顶部绘上了象头人身的图案,这是印度著名的象神(Ganesha),Ganesha是湿婆神的儿子,它代表智慧、财富和幸 …

2.象头神印度象头神 (GANESHA)--甘尼许 2012-03-10 23:56 印度神 奎师那KRISHNA 2012-03-10 23:41 印度智慧女神 萨拉斯瓦蒂 201…

3.神甘奈施印度双面女婴面世 村民:她是神甘奈施(GANESHA)再世复制链接 打印 大 中 小 关闭 相关新闻 财经头条 财经热图 新闻直通车

4.涅沙格涅沙Ganesha)一般中国人可能直称象头神,又译作伽内什。在印度是广为人知以及备受崇敬的神明,是天神湿婆与帕尔 …

5.伽内什伽内什ganesha)文化 分享: 分享到新浪Qing 喜欢 阅读┊ 评论 ┊ 收藏 ┊转载 ┊ 喜欢 ▼ ┊打印┊举报 Ganesha是根轮的守护神。

6.甘尼夏接著唱的第一首拜赞是甘尼夏Ganesha)拜赞,甘尼夏是象头神,帮助我们去除回归自己的障碍,接下来要唱五首拜赞。拜 …

7.象头神伽内什象头神伽内什Ganesha),这可是印度神话中的智慧、财富之神。印度教三大主神之一湿婆神 (Shiva) (另外两个是梵天(Bra…


1.Parvati ordered Ganesha not to allow anyone to enter the house and Ganesha obediently followed his mother's orders.帕娃蒂命令甘尼萨不要让任何人进入房间,甘尼萨顺从地履行母亲的命令。

2.Consequently, the relationship of Ganesha and his mother is unique and special.从而,甘尼萨和他的母亲的关系是独一无二和特别的。

3.After a while Shiva returned from outside and as he tried to enter the house, Ganesha stopped him.过了一会儿,湿婆从外面回来,他正想进入房间,甘尼萨阻止他。

4.The Mooshak is usually depicted as very small in relation to Ganesha, in contrast to the depictions of vehicles of other deities.耗子与甘尼萨的关系中,通常是被描绘成非常细小,与其他神的坐骑形成鲜明对照。

5.Unfortunately, Shiva's Trishula was so powerful that it had hurled Ganesha's head very far off.不幸的是,湿婆的三叉戟如此强大,以致甘尼萨头部飞到了远处。

6.Another tale of Ganesha's birth relates to an incident in which Shiva slew Aditya, the son of a sage.另一个甘尼萨诞生的故事是涉及到湿婆与一位圣人的儿子阿迪亚的回旋中。

7.Lord Ganesha is portrayed as the leader of the Spanish national football team who won the 2010 Football World Cup.象鼻神俄尼沙扮演者2010世界杯冠军西班牙国家队的首领。

8.He ultimately convinced them to join him by suggesting that the elephant was in fact an embodiment of Lord Ganesha.谢卡瓦特向他们暗示大象实际上是格涅沙神的化身,从而最终说服他们加入。

9.When Shakti (Energy) and Shiva (Matter) meet, both Sound (Ganesha) and Light (Skanda) were born.当夏克荻(能量)和湿婆(物质)相遇,声音(甘尼萨)和光(山达)诞生了。

10.Shiva lost his patience and had a fierce battle with Ganesha.湿婆丧失他的耐性,与甘尼萨发生了一场激战。