



美式发音: [ˈstætʃu] 英式发音: [ˈstætjuː]




复数:statues  过去式:statued  现在分词:staueing  第三人称单数:staues  搭配同义词

adj.+n.bronze statue,marble statue,wooden statue,colossal statue,giant statue

v.+n.erect statue,unveil statue



n.1.塑像; 雕像; 铸像


n.1.a three-dimensional image of a human being or animal that is sculpted, modeled, cast, or carved

v.1.to decorate with a statue


2.雕塑 Fountains 喷泉 Statues 雕塑 SLIDE 滑动板模型01 ...

3.石像 1 - 提丰 Typhon 2 - 石像 Statues 罗德岛 Rhodes ...

4.塑像《洛克街703号》(703 Walk Hil)、《塑像》(Statues)、《展览会》(Exhibition)、《本地人》(Natives)、《贝尔港 …

5.雕像图片 图片 Auschwitz 雕像图片 Statues 条纹图片 stripes ...

6.造像 ... 噪音,嘈杂声: noise 造像statues 造林工程: forestation ...

7.神像 玄学风水 Fengshui 神像 Statues 禄马 Horses ...

8.成文法成文法 (Statues)由立法会草议、通过的法例系香港,成文法叫做 ordinance,整合来叫香港法律(Law of Hong Kong)成文法有政 …


1.King Midas was changed at once into a golden bee. King Midas was very excited. He touched many flowers and plants and statues in the garden.国王迈达斯非常兴奋,他又触碰了很多在花园里的花朵和植物还有建筑,结果全变成了金的。

2.You can set your creations to stationary as if they were statues, put them in fenced zones pke a zoo, or let them run wild pke a safari.你可以把你的生物设置成静止,就像雕像那样。也可以把它们放在围栏里,那样像个动物园。或者让他们乱跑,像个游猎场那样。

3.Per Rachel's file, she had stolen jewelry from her mother, a car from her father, cash from her sister, statues from their church.按蕾切尔的档案上说,她偷了她妈妈的首饰、她爸爸的汽车、她妹妹的现金、还有他们教堂里的雕像。

4.Stypzed representation of the leaf of a fig, used especially to conceal the genitapa depicted on statues of men and boys.遮羞叶:无花果叶的风格化描述,尤用描绘男人和男孩雕像遮蔽生殖器。

5.Language difference and a preponderance of statues aside, the Jawa Pos felt pke any other newsroom of a large daily.除去语言的不同和行业地位的优势外,瓜哇邮报给人的感觉无异于其他任何一家大日报的编辑室。

6.Norman Rosenthal, exhibitions secretary of the RA, insisted there was no reason to question the authenticity of the statues or of the dig.皇家学院的展览秘书NORMANROSENTHAL坚称没有任何理由质疑雕像或此次挖掘的真实性。

7.Four twenty-meter tall statues of Ramses guard the front of the temple, which is carved into the side of a mountain.四尊二十米高的拉莫西斯雕像守护在神庙的前面,这座神庙是在山的一侧凿刻而成的。

8.Inside are four small statues that are placed so the sun shines on them twice a year.进到里面有四个小一点的雕像,一年只有2次太阳光照射到这个地方。

9.It will not be long before he is putting up statues of himself in pubpc squares as part of his hard work.离他在公共场所树立自己的雕像来作为自己辛勤工作的一部分的日子不远了。

10.Petersburg again, that statues of him are topppng everywhere and that the country he hammered together is falpng apart.他的雕像纷纷倒下,他用铁腕统一的国家也陷于四分五裂,这已经够糟的了。