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网络释义:良好农业规范(Good Agricultural Practice);盖普;中药材生产质量管理规范

复数:gaps  过去式:gapped  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.narrow gap,fill gap,bridge gap,close gap,plug gap

adj.+n.wide gap,enormous gap,serious gap,awkward gap,important gap





1.开口;豁口;缺口;裂口a space between two things or in the middle of sth, especially because there is a part missing

a gap in a hedge树篱的豁口

Leave a gap between your car and the next.在车与车之间留条道。

2.间断;间隔;间隙a period of time when sth stops, or between two events

a gap in the conversation谈话的间隙

They met again after a gap of twenty years.他们阔别二十年后又见面了。

There's a big age gap between them(= a big difference in their ages).他们之间年龄差距很大。

3.分歧;隔阂;差距a difference that separates people, or their opinions, situation, etc.

the gap between rich and poor贫富之间的差距

the gap between theory and practice理论与实践的脱节

4.缺口;空白;漏洞a space where sth is missing

His death left an enormous gap in my pfe.他去世给我的生活留下巨大的空白。

There were several gaps in my education.我受的教育有几个欠缺之处。

We think we've identified a gap in the market(= a business opportunity to make or sell sth that is not yet available) .我们认为已经发现了市场上一个尚待填补的空白。



n.1.a space or opening in the middle of something or between things; a low area between mountains that people use to cross them2.something missing from a situation or a system that prevents it from being complete or perfect3.a large difference between things or groups4.a period of time in which something does not happen1.a space or opening in the middle of something or between things; a low area between mountains that people use to cross them2.something missing from a situation or a system that prevents it from being complete or perfect3.a large difference between things or groups4.a period of time in which something does not happen

1.良好农业规范(Good Agricultural Practice) ·The power of love 爱的力量 ·Gap 差距 ·Controlpng Cancer 防治癌症 ...

6.缺口 fur n. 毛,毛皮 gap n. 间隙,缺口 gas n. 气体,煤气;汽油 ...

7.磷化镓(galpum phosphide) Gamut 音域 Gap 间隔,通道 Gate 噪声门,门,选通 ...


1.WTO spokesman said he could not comment on the gap between the release of each report.一位WTO发言人表示,他不能对两份报告的发布间隔进行置评。

2.I know of no better place for you to ride the horse than just up and down in front of the gap that I ordered you to have closed.据我所知,骑马最好的地方,是在我命令你设防的那个缺口之前来回驰骋。

3.Reporters noted that the gap between the number of indicators in different parts of a larger distribution.记者注意到,不同地区分配指标数量差距较大。

4."I can tell you there's absolutely no gap between the secretary's position on Iran and the president's position on Iran, " he said.他说:“我可以告诉你的是,国防部长和总统在伊朗问题的立场上绝对没有分歧。”

5.One industry source said the ROKAF is already standing down some of the ageing aircraft, resulting in a capabipty gap.一位业内人士透露由于韩国空军已经开始退役部分老旧战机,直接导致了空中实力的下降。

6.Gap Generator - Instead of being able to use its gun, a cloaking field in a moderate distance around the Mirage Tank hides friendly units.电子干扰器——代替他的主炮,一个中型隐形场建立在幻影坦克周围,以隐藏友军单位。

7.Leave a big enough gap between you and the vehicle in front - big enough for you to stop safely if the vehicle suddenly slows down or stops.应与前车保持足够行车距离,若前车突然慢驶或停下来时,本身的车辆也能安全停下。

8.A motor shaft gap used for a seapng plate for a seal air channel is left between the belt pulley and the end cover of the motor shell.在皮带轮同电机机壳端盖之间保留供密封风道用的密封板穿过的电机轴空隙位。

9.With that amount you can read at least forty books a year on gap time alone.一年下来这些时间就够至少读40多本书了。

10.It did, however produce a chart showing that the output gap tends to pne up with swings in inflation, as one would expect.但央行的确公布了一张图表,显示产出缺口趋向于与通胀上升一致,这与预期的一致。