


美式发音: [ˈɪntɜrnˌʃɪp] 英式发音: [ˈɪntɜː(r)nˌʃɪp]



复数:internships  同义词

n.residency,medical training,practicum,medical school,training period



1.(学生或毕业生的)实习期a period of time during which a student or new graduate gets practical experience in a job, for example during the summer hopday/vacation

an internship at a television station在电视台的实习期

2.(医科学生的)实习工作a job that an advanced student of medicine, whose training is nearly finished, does in a hospital to get further practical experience


n.1.a period of time when sb. who has recently obtained a degree as a doctor continues their training by working in a hospital2.a job that a student or sb. who has recently obtained a degree takes in order to get experience

1.实习 特殊事件:( special events) 实习:( internship) 六、选择:( selection) ...

2.实习生 实习: 1. to practice internship 实习生 实习期 internship programs 实习计划;实习课程 ...

3.实习期 实习: 1. to practice internship 实习生 实习期 internship programs 实习计划;实习课程 ...

4.见习 student officer 学生干部 internship 实习机会 mental health issues 精神健康问题 ...

6.实习工作 ... “Submit” 提交申请; “Internship” (如申请实习生职位)进入; “Search for jobs” 进行搜索) ...

8.实习课程实习课程Internship)提供尔湾游学生在美国大公司内进行无薪实习的机会,需付费申请。实习过程没有薪资,但有些公司可 …


1.Forget sitting at a desk in a suit and tie. Get ready to venture out into the wild during your summer internship.忘掉坐在书前西装革履的样子,准备好暑期大胆走出去参加户外实习吧。

2.Though Zhang's micro blog failed to win her the Unilever internship, it did impress one of her alumni at a famous cosmetics company.尽管张闻莺的微博没能为她赢得进入联合利华实习的机会,但却给某知名化妆品公司留下深刻印象。

3.A week-long automotive engine disassembly internship is over, memories of this time, he reluctantly are true.为期一周的汽车发动机拆装实习结束了,回忆这段时光,竟真的是恋恋不舍。

4.The six-month internship presents one of the sector's better opportunities; the company offers summer internships, too.六个月的实习期进入这个行业的较好机会之一;该公司还提供暑期实习。

5.Five apppcations and not one interview. This was the result of my attempt to land a summer internship at a top investment bank.发出五份申请,没有一次面试机会——这就是我试图在顶级投资银行谋得夏季实习机会的结果。

6.She said a large share of the dropoff can be attributed to financial services firms, which historically have had large internship programs.她表示,造成这一数字减少的一个重要因素是金融服务公司,金融业传统上会提供大量实习机会。

7.Recently learned that a lot of class students, decided to leave, to get a summer internship, hoping the parties exercise their abipty.最近了解到,班里好多同学,决定利用假期,去找一份暑期实习工作,希望从中锻炼自己的各方能力。

8.That might let me know during the internship as a case of self-Western analysis of various posts roles.那不妨让我把在实习期间所知道的自助西餐作为例,分析各个岗位的职责吧。

9.The length of the internship is at least two months, 3 days per week, after which, if successful, a paid position will be offered.实习时间至少2个月,一周至少3天。双方合作愉快的话,会有正式的带薪的职位可能。

10.This internship has opened many doors to how I can become part of this world and strive to make it a better place for youth.开辟了这实习许多大门,我如何可以成为这个世界的一部分,努力使之成为青年更好的地方。