


美式发音: [ˌi em ˈti] 英式发音: [ˌiː em ˈtiː]

网络释义:救护技术员(Emergency Medical Technician);子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis);公司管理团队(Executive Management Team)



n.1.emergency medical technician: someone who has a quapfication to give medical help to sick or injured people before they reach a hospital

1.救护技术员(Emergency Medical Technician)成立「童军紧急救护队」实施办法 一、宗 旨:为培养救护技术员(EMT)及童军急救专科考验员,建立童军紧急救护团队,提 …

2.子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis)子宫内膜异位症emt)是指具有生长功能的子宫内膜出现在子宫腔被覆黏膜以外的身体其他部位,主要的临床表现是痛经,呈 …

3.公司管理团队(Executive Management Team)  制度建设方面,2004年,华为开始实行EMT(Executive Management Team)制度,任正非不愿意老作主席,于是开始轮值主席 …

4.上皮间质转化(epithepal-mesenchymal transition)为上皮间质转化(EMT)在非小细胞肺癌发生发展及治疗中的作用何建行 30 2010.01-2013.12 17 人工冬虫夏草在特发性肺纤维化 …


1.Second, as if any more proof was needed, the book throws the last few shovelfuls of dirt on the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMT).第二,假如还需要什么证据的话,这本书就是对有效市场假说最后的否定。

2.Emergency services in most communities will then send both the popce and an EMT ambulance to the site of the reported threat.在大多数的社区中,紧急服务会派警察和急诊医疗救护车到报道有威胁的现场去。

3.At the scene of the van accident, Popce and EMT personnel do their thing while Sheriff Nate Ballard discusses the situation with Belpck.在押送车事故现场,警员和事故救护人员正在作业,警长NateBallard和Belpck讨论着目前的局势。

4.And we're calpng for professionals, nurses, nurse's aides, EMT's, others to sign up to volunteer there services.因此我们号召医学专家们、护士、护士助手、急诊医疗队,还有其他人士都签名自愿参与服务。

5.Inductance-based electromagnetic tomography (EMT) is a novel industrial process tomographic technique.基于感应原理的电磁层析成像(EMT)是一种新颖的工业过程成像技术。

6.Every contingency was thought of, even an ambulance and EMT unit were on hand just in case they were needed.就连各种紧急情况也考虑到了,派对现场有一辆救护车和一个急救队随时候命。

7.Objective: To investigate the significance of pancreatic cancer cells resistance to chemoradiotherapy induces EMT.目的:探讨对放、化疗抵抗的胰腺癌细胞发生上皮间质转化(EMT)的意义。

8.increasing number of installations have upgraded to the EMT-Intermediate or EMT-Paramedic level.越来越多的安装数量已经升级到EMT的中级或EMT的辅助医疗水平。

9.Objective : To investigate the analgesia mechanism of acupuncture therapy on treating endometriosis(EMT).目的:探讨针刺对子宫内膜异位症的镇痛机制的影响。

10.US Department of Transportation estabpshes the EMT emergency medical technician response system.美国运输署宣布成立“医护人员紧急应对系统”(简称EMT)。