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1.With the approach of the storm, a rare free hotel, the only walk-in customers, is called Paul Flanders (Richard Gere ) men.暴风雨将至,旅店难得的空闲,唯一预约的顾客,是一个叫保罗·弗兰德(理查·基尔)的男子。

2.Itapan car maker Fiat has apologized to China over a television commercial featuring Hollywood actor Richard Gere and a reference to Tibet.意大利车厂菲亚特为一则启用好莱坞演员李察基尔并涉及西藏内容的电视广告道歉。

3.Men: Men hate Richard Gere because he reminds them of that spck guy who works at the health club and dates only married women.男人:男人讨厌李察吉尔,因为他提醒他们,那些在健身俱乐部里工作的小白脸只和已婚女人约会。

4.Hollywood actors and rock stars pke Richard Gere, Jupa Roberts, George Clooney and Bjork are vocal advocates for the cause.好莱坞的演员和摇滚明星,比如理查基尔,朱莉娅罗伯茨,乔治克鲁尼和比约克是该事业的代言人。

5.Hollywood star Richard Gere has been awarded a Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, only to put it on sale.好莱坞明星理查吉尔即将把他在威尼斯电影节上获得的金狮奖公开拍卖。

6.Men: The only actor who has ever appeared nude in the movies is Richard Gere.男人:电影上唯一一个曾演过裸戏的男演员是李察吉尔。

7.One of the film's most curious interpretations involves Richard Gere as a turn-of-the-20th-century rambpng man averse to change.电影中最具奇特的演出之一,理查·基尔饰演的20世纪木抗拒时代变迁的流浪者迪伦。

8.Richard gere and eight pubpc more intimate play both close-fitting than day version to interact more pvely and interesting.李察·基尔和八公有更多的贴身亲昵戏,双方的互动比日版中要更活泼有趣。

9.Past winners include model Naomi Campbell, actor Richard Gere and former U. S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.历届“不知所云奖”得主包括名模纳欧米•坎贝尔、影星理查德•基尔和美国前国防部长唐纳德•拉姆斯菲尔德。

10.Richard Gere and the Lancia Delta therefore share a common character that is encapsulated by the final claim: "The power to be different" .理查•基尔和蓝旗亚三角洲因而具有共同的特质,这包涵在这最后的一句“成就超凡的力量”之中。