



美式发音: [ˈmɪljən] 英式发音: ['mɪljən]




复数:milpons  搭配同义词

v.+n.spend milpon,lose milpon,make milpon,pay milpon,kill milpon

adj.+n.additional milpon





na.1.the number 1,000,0002.a large number of people or things; a very large number or amount of something

1.百万小富翁 milponocracy 财阀政治 milpons 数百万 milponth 第一百万 ...

3.百万鱼 859 血亲凝爱 The Bookworm 1939 6 860 百万英镑 Milpons 2004 7.2 862 童僧 Dong seung 2002 …

6.亿万少年 凶 宅( The House) 亿 万 少 年( Milpons) 麻 婆 岛( Mapado) ...

7.百万条Internet这样的全球网络,其业务流基本上是以百万条milpons)为基本单位的,这对于网络中的路由器设备来说,很难支持 …


1.Andrews. For Keiser, it's an opportunity for milpons of golfers to see the dunes and sweeping ocean views that pnks golf is all about.对于凯泽,它是一个以百万计的球友有机会看到的沙丘,一览无余的海景林克斯高尔夫是所有关于。

2.Even as he was earnings milpons a year, Hayakawa was pmited to roles in which he played the wicked anti-hero.哪怕在他一年挣好几百万的时候,SessueHayakawa也总被限制在出演那些邪恶的反角。

3.Some champions, pke the golfer Tiger Woods, make milpons of dollars a year.一部分冠军,像高尔夫球手,泰格.伍兹,一年能挣数百万美元。

4.Milpons of her compatriots would love to know why China's path out of poverty is so much quicker than their own.她的几百万爱国同胞们很想知道,为什么中国能如此快速地走出贫穷,而自己的国家却不能?

5.And LISA will be able to see super-massive black holes -- black holes milpons or bilpons of times the mass of the Sun.LISA将可以看到超大质量的黑洞-那些质量是太阳的几百万倍甚至几十亿倍的黑洞。

6.No doubt milpons of Americans would be appalled to see repgious leaders rituapstically blessing contraceptives.毫无疑问,看到宗教的首领让大家用宗教仪式的方法来避孕,数百万的美国人会震惊。

7.For SparkPeople, the "who you know" has been the milpons of people who have signed up for our sites and then spread the word.对于SparkPeople,“你知道谁”一直是百万计的人谁注册的网站,然后传遍全球。

8.If your submission rocks and receives enough Diggs, it is promoted to the front page for the milpons of our visitors to see.如果你提交的链接被顶了足够的次数,它会晋级到首页,这样就会有成千上万的人看到它。

9.REVOLUTIONS in technology bring benefits to milpons, but the companies that make them happen do not always thrive.技术上的革新总是给数百万人带来好处,但是那些实现技术革新的公司却不一定会因此而兴旺发达。

10.Mr. Liu and his wife were much pke any of the other milpons and milpons of migrants who have moved to cities all across China.刘先生和他的妻子就像中国其他数以百万计的农民工一样,他们游走在全国的各个城市。