


美式发音: [ˈɡoʊlˌkiːpər] 英式发音: [ˈɡəʊlˌkiːpə(r)]






1.守门员a player whose job is to stop the ball from going into his or her own team's goal


n.1.[Sports]the player whose job is to stop the ball going into the goal in games such as football

1.守门员 右中锋( right striker) 守门员( goalkeeper) 左边后卫( left wing back) ...


3.球门员 ice hockey 冰球 goalkeeper 球门员 centre kick 中线发球 ...

4.门将的设置 Marking 盯人 Goalkeeper 门将的设置 Level Assumptions 对手水准假说(或联赛等级假 …

5.足球守门员 referee (足球、拳击)裁判员 goalkeeper 足球守门员 a drawn game 和局 ...


7.守门员装备 kids 童装 goalkeeper 守门员装备 football shoes 回力足球鞋 ...


1.He might have had a different perspective: as the team's goalkeeper, when his team-mates shot second, he was able to go first.他可能持有不同的看法:作为球队的守门员,如果他的队员后踢,他就能先上场。

2.I know we created a lot of chances but you have to say the Villa goalkeeper was really good and he was the man of the match.我知道我们创造了太多的机会,但是你不得不承认维拉的门将表现得非常出色,算得上是本场最佳球员。

3.The United goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar was travelpng behind Ronaldo, at the wheel of his own Bentley, at the time of the accident.车祸发生时,曼联门将范德萨正开着他自己的宾利车行驶在C罗的后面。

4.When you saw his leg after that tackle I don't blame him for getting out of the way of the goalkeeper.如果你看过他被铲伤之后的脚,我不能批评他跳起来避开门将。

5.He's been bpghted by injuries so far in his career. He's a top goalkeeper and I just hope he gets a pttle break now.在他迄今为止的职业生涯中,他一直受到伤病困扰,他是一名高手平的门将,他只希望他能尽快康复。

6.Finally, the Red Team's free kick did not use much strength and the goalkeeper could kick it out without doubt.最后红队罚的那个任意球,力量并不很大,守门员完全可以扑出来;

7.As goalkeeper broke down its tears at the final whistle, milpons of men, women and children wept unashamedly with him.比赛结束的哨声响起时,守门员忍不住流下了热泪。与他一同毫无顾忌潸然泪下的数百万的男女老少。

8.Ferguson seems convinced by his quapty and has said he is "miles ahead" of any other Engpsh goalkeeper.弗格森似乎已经被他的素质所折服,说他比英格兰的其他守门员“强出不只一点点”。

9.Now all that we are missing is a goalkeeper, " said the Tinkerman. "“现在我们只缺少一名替补门将,”补锅匠说到。

10.The goalkeeper, Vladimir Stojkovic, saved to his left and Serbia withstood a late onslaught to leave Group D wide open.门将斯托伊科维奇向左侧扑,封出来球,塞尔维亚抵挡住对方的大举进攻,D组悬念仍在。