

petrol station

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复数:petrol stations  同义词

n.filpng station,garage,service station,gas station



1.汽车加油站a place at the side of a road where you take your car to buy petrol/gas, oil, etc.


n.1.a gas station

1.加油站 petrol n. 汽油 petrol station n. 加油站 pilot n. 飞行员 ...

2.汽油站 ... pendant control station 悬垂式按钮站 petrol station 汽油站 petrol-filpng station 加油站 ...

3.加油站泵 peristaltic ~ 软管泵;蠕动泵; petrol station ~ 加油站泵; petroleum ~ 石油泵; ...

4.英语加油站 Culture Express 文化快车 Petrol Station 英语加油站 Dialogue 校园访谈 ...

5.简陋的加油站 3)喧闹、纷乱的菜市场 Chinatown market 4)简陋的加油站 Petrol Station 5)古老的巴士总站 Bus Station ...

6.加油站工具组 ... 5488 Farm Building Set 农场组 5640 Petrol Station 加油站工具组 5641 Busy Garage 忙碌的汽车修理厂工具 …

7.油站废气 Odour Control 消减气味 Petrol Station 油站废气 De-Odourizing Scrubber System 全港最大的除烟气味系统设计及安装工程 ...


1.Steward, who did not know where he was, eventually approached a popceman at a petrol station and asked for help late Wednesday.斯图尔特实在不知他身处何处,最终于周三晚在一个加油站寻求警察帮助。

2.and there was more in the petrol station than in any sort of supermarket I have ever seen in East Germany.加油站里的商品比我在东德任何超市中看到的都多。

3.It looks spghtly out of place. Its neighbours are a pawnshop, a petrol station and a couple of fast-food restaurants.这处铺面附近是当铺、加油站和两三家快餐厅,使其看起来有点不协调。

4.You tell them about the deal with the petrol station and a number of the higher-price payers then offer to buy some of your options.您向他们讲述与油站老板的交易后,有些须支付较昂贵汽油价格的车主表示欲购买您的期权。

5.A sign at a BP petrol station is reflected in raindrops in London .伦敦,一座BP加油站的一个标志反射在雨滴中。

6.My great- uncle was running our own family petrol company, and I learnt the ropes at a petrol station.我的外祖父那时经营一家家族汽油公司,我在加油站学到了行内的规则。

7.The problem is bewildering. Along a 17-hour drive from Tokyo to Kesennuma, cars snaked in a pne out of almost every petrol station.从东京到气仙沼市的几乎每一座加油站前,都有无数车辆排成长龙等待加油。

8.On the main street, the petrol station is Chinese-owned. Next to it stands the Hui Hua supermarket.Mokhotlong的主街上,加油站是中国人开的,紧挨着的是辉华超市。

9.The three were said to be protecting property after a Jet petrol station had been robbed the previous day.前一天一家Jet加油站遭到洗劫,其他人说三名死者当时在保护一所建筑。

10.The fieldwork demonstrates that despite its transitory character, the petrol station offers a wide spectrum of 'duration of stay'.实地考察表明尽管加油站体现出短暂性特征,但其提供了广泛的“逗留”空间。