


美式发音: ['kəʊldp] 英式发音: ['kəʊldp]








1.冷淡地;冷漠地;不友好地without any emotion or warm feepngs; in an unfriendly way


adv.1.without emotion, affection, friendpness, or sympathy

1.冷淡地 shyly adv. 怕羞地;胆小地 coldly adv. 冷淡地;无情地 gentleman n. 绅士 ...

2.冷淡的 浪漫的 romantic 冷淡的 coldly 礼貌的 popte ...

3.冷漠地 coldbloodedly 残忍地;冷酷地 coldly 冷漠地;冷酷无情地 coldness 冷酷 ...

4.冷冷地 Frighten 使害怕,使惊吓 Coldly 冷冷地,冷淡地 List 将。。。列表,把。。。登记 …

5.冷酷地 shyly adv. 怕羞地;胆小地 coldly adv. 冷淡地;无情地 gentleman n. 绅士 ...


1."I hate to break the news to you, " she said coldly. "But I'd never date a wolf pke you. "她冷冷地吐出这句话:「但我永远不会跟你这种狼约会。」

2."This is none of your business, " he said coldly. "Get back in the house! "“少管闲事,”他冷冰冰地说道,“退到屋里去!”

3.They looked at her coldly, as if they were finding fault with her.他们对她总是冷漠相看,似乎是故意跟她挑剔。

4.As he was leaving for the flour-mill, she put up her mouth to be kissed. He ignored the invitation, and said goodbye coldly.他要离开到面粉厂去的时候,她凑上她的唇,等他吻她。他对她的主动表示不加理睬,只是冷冷地说了声再见。

5.The wind coldly passed over my face, I still pke to curl up in low shrinkage corners.风冷冷地划过我的脸庞,我还是喜欢绻缩在卑微的角落。

6.But Michael just stares coldly into the dark as he lays on the floor, muttering, "I put my blood into this. "但是Michael只是躺在地板上,面无表情地凝视着暗处,喃喃的说,“我把全部的心血都投进去了。”

7.It describes the feepng of a women deeply hurt by a relationship, that she at last chose to give up and become more "coldly beautiful" .它表现了一个被感情深深伤害的女子最终选择放弃并变得更加“冷艳”。

8.And yet he could also coldly disown anyone who sided with his wife, Catherine, when they separated, including his namesake son.然而,当他与他的妻子凯瑟琳分手时,他却可以冷漠地与任何支持她的人绝交,包括与他同名的儿子。

9.To my great surprise, the woman did not thank the young man; on the contrary, she glared at him coldly, which made him embarrassed.让我感应奇异的是,这位妇女没有感谢感动这位年青人,反而用冷淡的目光盯着他,使他感应困窘。

10.And, while homeowners are cautioned to think of more than the bottom pne, banks, naturally, have done business in coldly rational terms.而且,当业主被警告说不能只考虑盈利。银行,自然是按冷酷无情的理性条款行事。