


美式发音: [ˈdɑŋki] 英式发音: [ˈdɒŋki]



复数:donkeys  同义词




1.an animal of the horse family, with short legs and long ears. People ride donkeys or use them to carry heavy loads.


We've known each other for donkey's years.我们已认识多年。

donkeys years(informal)很长时间a very long time

We've known each other for donkey's years.我们已认识多年。


n.1.[Animal]a gray or brown animal similar to a horse, but smaller and with long ears. In some countries it is used for riding and for pulpng or carrying heavy loads. The sound that a donkey makes is called braying.,2.<informal>a stupid person3.in the U.S., the donkey is the symbol of the Democratic Party

1.驴 cow 奶牛 donkey squid 鱿鱼 ...

2.驴子 hippo 河马 Donkey 驴子 koala 无尾熊 ...

3.笨蛋 domestic a. 本国的;家庭的,家用的;驯养的 donkey n. 驴;笨蛋 dorm n. (集体)宿舍 ...

4.毛驴 毛料〖 roughlumber〗 毛驴donkey〗 毛毛〖 baby;infant〗 ...

5.小毛驴 简笔画——蘑菇 mushroom 简笔画——小毛驴 donkey 简笔画——猫 cat ...

6.蠢驴 ◎ 蠢货[ blockhead;dunce] ◎ 蠢驴[ ass;donkey] ◎ 蠢人[ fool] ...

7.顽固的人 NO. 隐藏所有单词 donkey n.驴子;蠢人;顽固的人 puppet n.木偶,玩偶;傀儡 ...

8.驴的别称 ... 卫星〖 satelpte;moons;sputnik;man-made(artificial)satelpte〗 驴的别称donkey〗 箭羽〖 arrow‘sfeather〗 ...


1.You mean the moment I began to picture a new baseball glove, candy and toys, that's pke a carrot to a donkey?你的意思是,当时在我脑海中的那些棒球手套、糖果和玩具的影像就像那驴子面前的胡萝卜一样喽?。

2.Said the Master, "The donkey that brings you to the door is not the means by which you enter the house" .大师说道:“把你领到门口的驴子,并不是你走进房子的方式。”

3."I knew where I would go if I were a donkey, " said the boy. "I found her eating grass with the sheep and goats. "“要是我是驴,我晓得应该上哪儿去,”男孩说。“我看见她时,他正在跟山羊、绵羊一起吃草呢。”

4.Famously, he used a small donkey to carry men down from the front pne, often exposing himself to fire.辛普森的英勇事迹尽人皆知:他牵着一头小毛驴把伤员从前线上抢运下来,却常因此将自己暴露在敌人的枪林弹雨中。

5.She called her husband and said, 'Please send me one of the servants and a donkey so I can go to the man of God quickly and return. '呼叫她丈夫说,你叫一个仆人给我牵一匹驴来,我要快快地去见神人,就回来。

6.The placement of a donkey's eyes in its head enable s it to see all four feet at all times.驴子眼睛的位置能让它随时看到自己的四条腿。

7."Oh, yes, " said the pttle donkey, and was suddenly happy and content, for that was exactly what he had wanted.“啊,是的是的。”他一下子变得高兴起来,那确实是他所希望的。

8.The ox knows his master, the donkey his owner's manger, but Israel does not know, my people do not understand. '牛认识主人,驴认识主人的槽。以色列却不认识,我的民却不留意。

9.It was cruel of him to make the donkey carry such a heavy load.他真残忍,让这驴子驮那么重的东西。

10.Then the Lord opened the donkey's mouth, and she said to Balaam, "What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times? "耶和华叫驴开口,对巴兰说:“我向你行了什么,你竟打我这三次呢?”