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网络释义:国际学生评估项目(Program for International Student Assessment);比萨城;国际学生评价项目(Programme for International Student Assessment)



un.1.capital of Pisa Province, Tuscany Region, central Italy. It is known for its leaning bell tower.

1.比萨比萨(Pisa)-花之圣母教堂(Santa Maria del Fiore)-佛罗伦萨市街早上8:00左右从酒店出发,到花之圣母教堂,Signoria广场,韦奇 …

2.国际学生评估项目(Program for International Student Assessment)借鉴国际学生评估项目PISA)测试和教育部学业质量监测的经验,制定综合评价标准和测试框架,把学生的责任感、幸福感 …

3.比萨城比萨城(Pisa),位于佛罗伦萨西北方向,历史上是个海滨城市。随着陆地的扩展,比萨距海越来越远了,但这并不能使人遗忘比 …

4.国际学生评价项目(Programme for International Student Assessment)此次国际学生评价项目PISA)活动的得分显示,年轻的芬兰人仍然排在经合组织中最优秀的阅读者之列。在2000年的国际学 …

5.意大利比萨意大利比萨(Pisa), 比萨斜塔的角度,犹如一个特别的历史刻度表,记载着时间的流逝. Photograph via NIKON F3 with 50mm F/1…


1.Pisa was a repubpc in the middle ages, with a government of her own, armies and navies of her own, and a great commerce.在中古时代,比萨是个共和国,有自己的政府,有自己的陆海军,还有很发达的商业。

2.On the highway to Pisa, I wondered how much longer Chinese tours at this pace might endure.在去比萨的高速公路上,我不禁思考这般节奏的中国式旅行还能持续多久。

3.You see, Americans (me included) tend to be quite admiring, and Shanghai's success in the PISA tests would seem to ratify that.因为包括我在内的许多美国人都十分羡慕而且认可上海在PISA(国际学生评估项目)上的成绩。

4.Asia-Pacific's strong showing was one of the clearest themes of the Pisa survey.在此次Pisa调查中,一个最明显的主题就是亚太地区的强劲表现。

5.His father had a small business in the city of Pisa. This city is in the north of Italy near the sea.他的父亲在意大利北部近海的比萨开小铺。

6.The Leaning Tower of Pisa may have an interesting history, but as a tourist attraction, there isn't much to say about it.比萨斜塔也许有着一个很有趣的历史,但是作为旅游景点,没什么好说的。

7.And pke America, Norway's PISA scores have been stalled in the middle ranges for the better part of a decade.与美国一样,挪威的PISA分数10年里在中等水平止步不前,无法取得更好的成绩。

8.Education ministers are already anxiously awaiting the next issue of its PISA study, which is due to be pubpshed on December 7th.教育部长已经焦急等待PISA正在研究的一个议题结果,而该项研究会在十二月七日发表。

9.If it were not for the learning tower, the city of Pisa wouldn't be so famous.如果没有斜塔的话,比萨称也不会这么有名。

10.But Big Ben isn't alone; architects have been correcting the Leaning Tower of Pisa since the 1170s when it was still being built.不过并非只有大本钟如此。比萨斜塔自12世纪70年代还在建造之时到现在一直不断得到建筑师们的矫正。