




1.姤 Garmin/ 佳明 GOU/ 任我游 Newsmy/ 纽曼 ...

3.高 改 Goi Gou 各 Gok ...

4.搜 Gou8 3-6 ...

5.告 [jyut6 乙] [gou3 ] [nei4 尼] ...

6.估 [gou4] 购 购 [gou4] 估 [gu1] 咕 咕 ...

7.沟通 338 更加 更加 geng4jia1 352 沟通 沟通 gou1tong1 353 构成 构成 gou2cheng2 ...


1.Gou on Tuesday said he isn't trying to shirk anything.周二,郭台铭说他没试图推卸任何责任。

2.Mr Gou said the opening between Taiwan and China had convinced him to give Taiwan a chance.郭台铭表示,台湾与中国大陆之间的开放,让他有信心给台湾一个机会。

3.In a statement, Foxconn Technology Group said Gou had been discussing his vision for the company.富士康科技集团在一份声明中表示,郭台铭一直在探讨他对公司未来发展的看法。

4.Gou Zhongwen, vice-mayor of Beijing municipal government, said the animation and comic industry is one of the city's most vibrant strengths.北京市副市长苟忠文称,动画和喜剧产业已成为北京市最具活力的发展动力。

5.It was Mr. Gou's first interview with Western media since 2002, following more than five years of requests by The Wall Street Journal.这是郭台铭2002年以来首次接受西方媒体的采访,此前5年多的时间他一直对《华尔街日报》的采访要求置之不理。

6.Mr Gou apologised repeatedly, and said he had trouble sleeping but would not stop trying to solve the problem.大约从深圳记者那得到消息,郭台铭一再道歉,并说他一直失眠但不会停止努力去解决此问题。

7.Mr Gou yesterday said he was taking back the contract pmiting the company's responsibipty as he felt the language was inappropriate.郭台铭昨日表示,他将收回这份限定公司责任的协议,因为他觉得协议内容的表述失之偏颇。

8.Despite being one of Taiwan's richest men, Mr Gou continues to work from a spartan office when he is at the Shenzhen campus.虽然身为台湾首富之一,但在深圳厂区时,郭台铭一直在一个条件简朴的办公室工作。

9.In the Spring and Autumn Period, the State of Wu defeated the State of Yue, and took the king of Yue, Gou Jian, and his wife prisoner.春秋时代,越国被吴国打败了。越王勾践和他的妻子都被带到吴国做苦工。

10.The colossus that Gou (pronounced "Gwo" ) runs today started with a $7, 500 loan from his mother.郭台铭拥有今天的巨大成就源于从他母亲那里得来的7500美元贷款。