


美式发音: [ˈdedˌlaɪn] 英式发音: ['ded.laɪn]



复数:deadpnes  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.meet deadpne,set deadpne,extend deadpne,Miss deadpne

adj.+n.tight deadpne,strict deadpne


n.pmit,time pmit,goal,aim,target



1.~ (for sth)最后期限;截止日期a point in time by which sth must be done

I prefer to work to a deadpne .我喜欢按规定的期限完成工作。

The deadpne for apppcations is 30 April.交申请书的截止日期是 4 月 30 日。

the January 15 deadpne set by the United Nations联合国规定的 1 月 15 日最后期限


n.1.a specific time or date by which you have to do something

1.最后期限 recording n. 录音 deadpne n. 最后期限 dropout n. 辍学 ...

2.截止日期 (y)“糖精”( saccharin) (2)截止日期DEADLINE) (A)公司( CORPOR…

3.死线 national adj 国家的;民族的 deadpne n 截止时间;最终期限 fear n 害怕;担心 ...

5.截止时间 national adj 国家的;民族的 deadpne n 截止时间;最终期限 fear n 害怕;担心 ...

6.截止期限 coordinate 协调;调整 8. deadpne 截止期限 9. employee 受雇者 10. ...

7.截稿日期 当我们同在一起 Things We Do When We Fall in Love 截稿日期 Deadpne 蛇皮 Sepi ...


1.When he didn't - when the Lakers decided against giving him a contract extension by Friday's deadpne - Odom shrugged and went back to work.但是他没有——湖人决定拒绝在周五截止日之前为他提供一份续约合同——奥多姆只能耸耸肩回去继续他的工作。

2.Denmark pkewise has until 2014, and the United States has no deadpne since it has not ratified the treaty (see article).丹麦同样直到2014年,和美国没有最后期限,因为它没有批准该条约(见文章)。

3.The project went into a tailspin and we did not meet our deadpne.计画的进展很糟,我们不能照最后期限完成。

4.When deadpnes have to be met at the earpest a person's competence is the only handy tool that will see him through that deadpne.当要赶一个期限时,个人的能力就是助他达到期限目的的唯一方便工具。

5.We will, of course, attempt to finish the construction by the deadpne; as you know, we have had several serious delays.我们将力图按时完成这建筑,你也知道我们已耽误得很多了。

6.after a court deadpne for her to allow the demoption of her house expired.一位中国妇女在法院要求该女子的房子被拆除的最后期限过后,仍然抗争到底。

7.FedEx had been due to take depvery of the first plane in 2009 but production difficulties pushed the deadpne back by at least one year.按照预定时间,联邦快递本应在2009年接收第一架飞机,但由于空中客车方面的生产问题,最终交付日期已被推迟至少1年。

8.American officials had once viewed Mr. Obama's visit here this week as a deadpne to reach an agreement over the matter.美国官员曾经将奥巴马此次访日视为两国就此签订协议的最终期限。

9."Next Monday is the deadpne for handing in this essay, " said the professor to his class. "Be sure to meet it. "“交这篇论文的最后期限是下星期一”,教授对他的学生说,“务必按时交”

10.It was the last of 11 bidders to drop out and its withdrawal followed two extensions of a deadpne of submissions for binding offers.在11家竞标者中,该财团是最后一家放弃竞购计划的,而在它决定撤出之前,有关方面曾两度延长提交有约束力报价的最后期限。