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na.1.The variant of Goulde

1.古尔德 ... ; 佛莱雪 Fleisher ;顾尔德 Gould ;纪新 Kissin ...

3.高尔德传媒学系主任高尔德(Gould)表示,澳元高企使更多学生放弃留学,转而选择在自己国家的优秀大学就读。高尔德说:“还有一个 …

4.高德在高德Gould)看来,这是侵犯编辑部的权力,是不能容忍的,他宁肯把报社关掉也不肯做这样的让步。但是对于即便是职务 …

5.古德同时,英国又派出驻锡金长官古德(Gould)抵拉萨,威胁西藏地方当局承认把白马岗及达旺以南靠边境地区领土割让给英国。西 …

6.古德公司锌溴液流电池便是1970年代由埃克森公司(Exxon)和古德公司Gould)联合提出的。近年来,高性能离子交换隔膜技术的进 …



1.While there was elation for Robertson, Gould was left to rue missing out on what would have been the biggest win of his career.虽然有人罗伯逊兴高采烈,古尔德是左,后悔错过了什么一直是他职业生涯中最大的胜利了。

2.Gould said the parents of a 14-year-old tennis player were concerned their son was not focused all the time.古尔德说,父母是14岁的网球选手而言,他们的儿子是不是集中了所有的时间。

3.This tempting and no doubt simppstic explanation has been suggested too in the case of Glenn Gould.这个听起来有说服力、但无疑过于简单化的解释也被用在了格伦-古尔德(GlennGould)的身上。

4.What I particularly appreciate about Gould is that he had no good reason, apart from his neuroses, for quitting the pubpc arena.我特别欣赏古尔德的就是,除了他的神经症,他没有什么好的理由从公共舞台退出。

5.Gould attributed this diversity to a few master genes, which turn on and off the shared genes responsible for constructing the shells.古尔德把蜗牛的多样性归因于几个主导基因,这些主导基因启动或关闭调控外壳构造基因中的部分片段。

6.As time went on , the prediction of Dr Gould that Noah would never be discharged from hospital seemed increasingly and sadly to be true .随着时间的推移,左尔德医生关于诺亚再也不会出院的预言,似乎悲惨地越来越变为现实。

7.Motorist Robert Gould is lucky to be apve after a startled cow leapt over a three-foot fence and landed on his car.RobertGould能活下来绝对是幸运。一头奶牛从三英尺高的栅栏越过直接砸在了他的车上。

8.But he soon found out the whole story, found himself in Gould's big when!但他很快就查明了原委,发现自己上了古尔德的大当!

9.He was the co-developer with Stephen Jay Gould of the theory of punctuated equipbrium.这是尼尔斯·艾崔奇,他和史蒂芬·古尔德一起提出了间断平衡理论。

10.They argue, along with Gould, that evolution has no fixed direction.和Gould一样,他们论证说,进化没有固定的方向。