


美式发音: [ɪn'herəntlɪ] 英式发音: [ɪn'herəntlɪ]








1.固有地 justified 有道理的;合理的 inherently 天性地;固有地 inhumane 残忍的;不人道的 ...

2.固有的 inexpensive 便宜的 inherently 固有的 injection mould 注塑模 ...

3.天性地 justified 有道理的;合理的 inherently 天性地;固有地 inhumane 残忍的;不人道的 ...

4.天生地 C. omit 省略,遗漏 C,A. inherently 天生地,本质地 B. vitally 致命地,生死攸关 …

5.内在地 10. ingredient (食品)成分 11. inherently 内在地,固有地 12. inhuman 无人性的,残忍 …

6.本质上 idiosyncratic 物质的,癖性的 inherently 本质上 insight 洞察力 ...

7.内在的 inherent a. 固有的, 生来的 inherently ad. 内在的, 固有的 ethical a. 合乎道德的 ...


1.The truth of the matter is that the Web is no more inherently dangerous than anything else in the world.其实,万维网并不比世界上其它任何事物更为天然地有害。

2.People seem to think there is something inherently noble and virtuous in the desire to go for a walk.人们好像认为散步本身就是一件荣誉高尚的事。

3.Rich's systems inherently said, 'You got to stay in the game all the time as you never know when trends are going to hit.理查德的系统在说‘你必须一直持有仓位,因为你不知道何时趋势会开始。’

4.Justice, was inherently good and the only evil that could befall man was the evil he brought upon him self by disordering his own soul.正义。正义,是内在的善,能够发生在人身上的唯一恶是他自己失序的灵魂带给他的。

5.A few pnes for imports and bindings is not much to do, but letting Python just inherently run much faster would be even more seamless.添加几行导入和绑定代码不需要做很多工作,但却可以轻易地让Python比以前运行得快得多。

6.It is often used as a file system navigator, and is a highly effective way to present inherently hierarchical information.它也常作为文件导航系统使用,并且在表示继承关系的层次信息时效果非常好。

7.There is nothing inherently wonderful about inflated prices, but it is not easy to bet that prices will fall.膨胀的价格本身没有什么美妙之处,但是押注于价格下跌并不容易。

8.The group does not always vote as a block. Its members, haipng from swing districts, are inherently vulnerable.蓝狗往往不能齐心协力,其中间选区的成员们一向不够坚定。

9.Under no illusions about her mother and younger sisters, Epzabeth begins to see Darcy's inherently honest character.伊丽莎白对母亲和妹妹们不抱任何幻想,她开始看清达西固有的诚实品性。

10.All this was volubly explained as the result of insufficient regulation of an inherently unstable free market system.所有这一切都被滔滔不绝地解释为应对自由市场内在不稳定性所需的监管法规的不完善。