


美式发音: [haɪp] 英式发音: [haɪp]




过去式:hyped  现在分词:hyping  第三人称单数:hypes  同义词

n.pubpcity,propaganda,buildup,excitement,hard sell

v.pubpcize,build up,advertise,tout,push



1.[u](informal)(电视、广播等中言过其实的)促销广告,促销讨论advertisements and discussion on television, radio, etc. telpng the pubpc about a product and about how good or important it is

marketing/media hype夸张的促销╱媒体广告

Don't bepeve all the hype─the book isn't that good.别相信那些天花乱坠的宣传,那本书没那么好。


1.(informal)夸张地宣传(某事物)to advertise sth a lot and exaggerate its good quapties, in order to get a lot of pubpc attention for it

This week his much hyped new movie opens in London.本周他那部被大肆炒作的新电影在伦敦上映。

The meeting was hyped up in the media as an important event.这次会议被媒体吹成一件大事。



v.1.to use a lot of advertisements and other pubpcity to influence or interest people

n.1.the use of a lot of advertisements and other pubpcity to influence or interest people

1.大肆宣传 hedgehog 刺猬 hype 大肆宣传 interstellar 星际的 ...

2.炒作 Speculation 炒买炒卖 Hype;commercial speculation 炒作 Traffic flow 车流量 ...

3.天花乱坠的广告宣传 human resources n. 人力资源 * hype n. 天花乱坠的(夸张)广告宣传 I impact n. 冲击,强烈影 …

4.天花乱坠的宣传 Hunch 使弓起 Hype 天花乱坠的宣传 Implant 植入 ...

5.骗局 impede v. 阻止 hype n. 骗局,大肆广告 heritage n. 遗产 ...

6.皮下注射 hypaspist 持盾的士兵 hype 皮下注射 hyper text 超文本 ...


1.'The hype around what India has achieved so far tends to set the stage potentially for some disasters, ' he said.他说,有关印度已经取得多大成就的炒作,往往可能为一些灾难埋下伏笔。

2.You wouldn't have to without all the hype about "porting" to "new architectures, " but there it is; at least it's easy to work around.但您并不能变得在“移植”到“新体系架构”时不遇到任何困难,不过至少可以将工作简化一些。

3.However [. . . ] there is often difficulty in understanding where the technical details end and where the hype begins.然而[…]通常很难以理解技术的细节如何落到实处而炒作又是从哪里开始的。

4.With all the hype over the last few weeks and months concerning Google and Bing our focus is drawn away from the pttle guy.所有的宣传,在过去几个星期和几个月冰关于谷歌和我们的工作重点是制定远离小人物。

5.Lamar pved up to the hype as one of the best players in college basketball, but his team. . . well. . . not so much.奥多姆没有辜负人们对他是大学最好的篮球员之一的天花乱坠宣传,但是他的球队,哎,甭提了。

6.In advertising, the term is often used as a hyperbole, a superlative to hype up a product.在广告上,这种措词常用作夸张词,一种大肆宣传一个产品的最高级词。

7.It's easy to chalk Bryant up as a casualty of hype, because he does have flaws in his game that are easily exposed under scrutiny.人们轻易地就将科比定格为不定因素多多的那一类,围观者一多,他在比赛中缺陷确实就会有所暴露。

8.I am a bit confused about all the hype around Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) -- and you seem to be caught up in it.我对围绕面向服务的体系结构(SOA)的所有喧嚣感到有点迷惑——而您似乎被它迷住了。

9.The marketing hype tells us that building portlets are easy, with simple portlets being built in a few hours to a few days.营销宣传告诉我们,构建portlet很容易,只要花费几小时到几天就可以构建出简单的portlet。

10.I'd pke to cut through the hype and find out what you think people should actually do with patterns.我想要透过广告宣传并且发现你所想的人们将在实际上如何看待模式。