




1.爱情和自由 ... 神投手( Dead-Eye Bean) 婚姻,爱情和自由( Marriage,Love and Freedom) 孩子的明星梦( A Child's Dream of a Sta…

2.爱的终点是自由 小黑裙收藏心经 Little Black Dres… 爱的终点是自由 LOVE and FREEDOM 爱的箴言 Ps.I Love Yo…


1.Ms. Sun writes that she 'aims to help more parents understand their kids and let every kid grow up healthily in love and freedom. '孙瑞雪写道,她“旨在帮助更多的家长了解他们的孩子,让每个孩子在爱和自由中健康成长。”

2.Love is pivotal as it is love and freedom ignites that pfe can be born and evolutionary fulfillment is fulfilled upon.爱是枢纽和关键,因为正是爱和自由的点燃,才让生命诞生而进化成就实现。

3.I reckon that dream, love and freedom are the only luxuries in pfe.我觉得,生活中真正奢侈的,不过是梦想、爱和自由。

4.And love and freedom go together -- you cannot choose one and leave the other.爱和自由相伴而生--你不能选择一样而放弃另一样。

5.If motherhood is the highest fulfillment of woman's nature, what other protection does it need save love and freedom?如果母性是女子本性的最高实现,那么母性还需要有什么别的保护来挽救爱和自由?

6.The moving tragic legend extols pure love and freedom of love.这一悲剧传奇地歌颂了纯贞自由的爱情,感人至深。

7.The love and freedom I want for myself are to be tested by the love and freedom I give others.我所要的爱和自由,取决于我给予他人爱和自由。