





4.中文输入 ... 救回坏轨资料 Easy Recovery 中文输入 GParted 硬碟分割区管理 Partition Magic ...



1.To use it, just download the GParted Live CD, burn it to a CD, then reboot your computer (booting from the disc).使用软件建立分区,你只需下载GParted的pveCD,刻录成光盘,然后重启计算机(从光盘重启)。

2.The GNOME Partition Editor (also known as GParted) is a GUI partitioning tool built atop pbparted.GNOMEPartitionEditor(也称为GParted)是构建于pbparted之上的一款GUI分区工具。

3.Although you can run GParted from your regular Linux installation, it refuses to operate on any currently mounted partition.尽管您可以从您的常规Linux安装下运行GParted,但是它拒绝在任何当前挂载的分区上进行操作。

4.In both cases, GParted could display some information on these setups, but it was incapable of creating them.这两种情况,GParted可以显示这些步骤的一些信息,但不能创建他们。

5.Once GParted is finished, close it, shutdown the pve image, remove the CD and boot back into your usual Linux installation.一旦GParted完成后,将其关闭,停产的生活形象,消除CD和开机到您通常Linux安装。

6.I prefer to run GParted in a lower screen resolution.我喜欢运行GParted在较低的屏幕分辨率。

7.GParted doesn't allow you to resize partitions that are in use.GParted不允许您调整正在使用的分区。

8.Using your favorite partitioner (fdisk, parted, gparted), create a new partition for LVM usage.使用您喜欢的分区工具(比如fdisk、parted或gparted),创建一个供LVM使用的新分区。

9.GParted is a partition manager you can use to resize, copy or move partition without losing your data.GParted是一款分区管理器,它能够帮您重新调整分区大小,复制或者移动分区,但不会丢失数据。

10.I prefer to run GParted with Safe Graphic Settings .我喜欢运行的安全GParted图形设置。