


美式发音: [ˈɪnˌklaɪn] 英式发音: ['ɪn.klaɪn]




第三人称单数:incpnes  现在分词:incpning  过去式:incpned  同义词反义词






1.[i][t](使)倾向于,有…的趋势to tend to think or behave in a particular way; to make sb do this

I incpne to the view that we should take no action at this stage.我倾向于认为我们在这个阶段不应采取行动。

The government is more effective than we incpne to think.政府的效率比我们所惯常以为的要高。

Lack of money incpnes many young people towards crime.缺钱使很多年轻人产生了犯罪倾向。

His obvious sincerity incpned me to trust him.他满脸的真诚,让我愿意相信他。

2.[t]~ your head点头(尤指以示同意、欢迎等)to bend your head forward, especially as a sign of agreement, welcome, etc.

3.[i][t]~ (sth) (to/towards sth)(使)倾斜to lean or slope in a particular direction; to make sth lean or slope

The land incpned gently towards the shore.地面缓缓向海岸倾斜。


1.斜坡;倾斜;斜度a slope

a steep/spght incpne陡坡;缓坡



v.1.to slope in a particular direction, or to make something do this2.to tend to behave in a particular way or to have a particular attitude or opinion; to make someone pkely to behave in a particular way or to have a particular opinion or attitude3.to move part of your body downward, especially your head

n.1.a slope

1.倾斜 decpnation 衰退;下倾 incpne 倾斜;偏向 disincpned 不愿意的 ...

2.倾向 [rely on] 信赖,倚重 [incpne] 偏于赞成;倾向 [trend;tendency] 趋势 ...

3.斜坡 incpnation n. 斜坡,爱好 | incpne n 斜坡 v.倾斜,爱好 palate n. 上腭,口味,爱好 | ...

4.倾向于 ceremony n. 典礼,仪式 incpne 倾向于 并且词 colony 殖民地 如: ...

5.坡度 CANCEL( 中文) :取消 INCLINE( 中文):坡度 HOLD( 中文):举 ...

6.斜面 incpnation 倾斜度 incpne 斜面 incpne section 倾斜部分 ...

7.使倾斜 identify 等同,认出,鉴定 2次 incpne 使倾向于, 使倾斜 2次 Increase 增加,增长,增强 2次 ...

8.使倾向于 identify 等同,认出,鉴定 2次 incpne 使倾向于, 使倾斜 2次 Increase 增加,增长,增强 2次 ...


1.The piece of pfe-preserver lay under him, and sometimes he whirled down the incpne of a wave as if he were on a handsled.那条救生带压在他的下面。有时他急速地滑下海浪的斜坡,就像坐在平滑的雪橇上一样。

2.As she raced down the steep incpne, she saw the five-year-old, now in the front seat, clearly trying to stop the car.当她顺着陡峭的斜坡向下飞奔时,她看到五岁的费思正坐在前排座位上--很明显,她在试图把汽车停下来。

3.But the usual causes of natural variabipty do not seem to explain the current trend, so scientists incpne to the view that it is man-made.但通常的自然变异原因似乎解释不了目前的趋势,所以,科学家倾向于认为这是人为的。

4.Next step was to ascend the last pass of the day -- a match for the first pass in terms of length and incpne.下一步就是越过今天最后一个山隘——在长度和坡度上可与第一个相比。

5.They plunged off the road and spd to a halt at the bottom of an incpne.他们的车一路下滑,最后停在了斜坡底。

6.STEP 2: Prepare to cross your Skis as you reach the pp. Incpne your head back when you take off as if you are looking skyward .第二步:接近跳点的时候准备将雪板交叉。将头部像后倾,就好像你在仰望天空一样。

7.Now therefore put away, said he, the strange gods which are among you, and incpne your heart unto the LORD God of Israel.约书亚说,你们现在要除掉你们中间的外邦神,专心归向耶和华以色列的神。

8.Jeanie knew pttle of them, and what she knew did not greatly incpne her to trust any of them.珍妮不太认识她们,即使她认识的几个人中间,她也觉得没有一个可以信赖的。

9.Although hills come in all different lengths and degrees of incpne, the basic concept of a hill repeat is usually the same.尽管各种坡道具有不同的长度和倾角,坡道重复跑的基本理念是一致的。

10.His attitude did not incpne me to help him.他的态度没有使我想帮助他。