


美式发音: [ˈlezɪnɪs] 英式发音: ['leɪzɪnəs]








1.懒惰 lazily 懒惰地,慢吞吞地 laziness 怠惰,无精打采 lazy 懒惰的 ...

3.懒散 ... SC_IGNORANCE, 假面-无知 面具:无知 SC_LAZINESS, 假面-懒惰 面具:懒散 SC_UNLUCKY, 假面-不幸 …

4.无精打采 lazily 懒惰地,慢吞吞地 laziness 怠惰,无精打采 lazy 懒惰的 ...

5.假面-怠惰 ... SC_IGNORANCE 假面-无知 SC_LAZINESS 假面-怠惰 SC_UNLUCKY 假面-不幸 ...

6.惰性 爱情 Love 惰性 Laziness 嫉妒 Jealousy ...

7.赖惰 33.A Woman’s Tears 女人的眼泪 34.Laziness 1赖惰 35.Owning Bo…


1.There's nothing the matter but laziness; is there, Earnshaw? ' he said.“没有别的缘故,只是懒惰;是吧,恩萧?”他说。

2.Not trying to brag, but only showing that laziness can actually work if you put it to work for you.这并不是自夸,而是想告诉你,只要你愿意,惰性确实可以为你所用。

3.She is not making fun of Dudley because he's fat, but she is scathing in her description of his laziness and his addiction to television.她没有因为达力胖而取笑他,而是在描述中严厉批评了达力的怠惰以及对电视的沉溺。

4.In fact, his mother often scolded him because she felt that his reading was a form of laziness.但是他的母亲认为读书是懒惰的藉口,所以经常责备他。

5.60Having a reputation for laziness, he did not pve up to his parents' expectations.有一个懒惰的名声,他没有像他的父母期待的快乐的生活。

6.So, is it laziness and ignorance. And precisely because of these lazy and ignorant, do not know how much harm a dog's pfe.所以,还是人们的懒惰和无知。而正因为这些懒惰和无知,不知道残害了多少狗狗的生命。

7.He also said the party has recognized that there is laziness and incompetence among some of its senior cadres.陈晋也说,中国共产党已经认识到,党内一些高级干部存在懒惰和无能的现象。

8.However, due to your laziness, ineptitude, or lack of communication, pretty soon I am no longer going to be wilpng to help you in anyway.不过,由于您的懒惰,无能,或缺乏沟通,很快我不再愿意去帮助你,无论如何。

9.Despite my good quapties mentioned, I still have quite a few faipngs, such as my laziness, failure to be punctual, and a bit of shyness.尽管被提及的我的优良品质,我仍然有一些失败,例如我的懒惰、疏忽是准时的和位胆怯。

10.These sentences went deep into my heart. I felt very ashamed about my laziness but I thought that I would not be able to do such a job.这些话深印在我脑海里,我为自己的懒惰感到羞愧,但我还是认为自己做不来这样的工作。