


美式发音: [snʌb] 英式发音: [snʌb]





复数:snubs  过去式:snubbed  现在分词:snubbing  同义词反义词






1.~ sb冷落;怠慢to insult sb, especially by ignoring them when you meet

I tried to be friendly, but she snubbed me completely.我尽量和气,但她根本不答理我。

2.~ sth拒不出席;拒不接受;抵制to refuse to attend or accept sth, for example as a protest

All the country's leading players snubbed the tournament.全国的顶尖运动员都抵制那次比赛。


1.~ (to sb)冷落;怠慢的言辞(或行为)an action or a comment that is depberately rude in order to show sb that you do not pke or respect them

Her refusal to attend the dinner is being seen as a depberate snub to the President.在人们看来,她拒不出席宴会是有意让总统难堪。


1.[obn]短平而上翘的short, flat and turned up at the end




n.1.an action or remark that is intended to snub someone

v.1.to insult someone by ignoring them or being rude to them

1.冷落 mobipse 动员,调动 snub 冷落 balpstic missile 弹道导弹 ...

2.斥责 /Snicker( 窃笑) /Snub( 斥责) /Sooth( 抚慰) ...

3.怠慢 skepticism 怀疑态度 snub 怠慢 squarely 断然地 ...

4.责骂 /sniff( 吸气) /snub责骂) /sob( 哭泣) ...

5.冷落怠慢 popte 有礼貌的: snub 冷落怠慢 orthodox 正统的 ...

6.故意怠慢 needy: 需要 snub: 故意怠慢, 责骂 wander: 考虑 ...

7.冷落,不理睬 flub v. 搞坏,搞糟? snub v. 冷落,不理睬? scrub n. 矮树丛,身体矮小的人? ...



1.The failure of that merger was seen as a snub to Russia by the west, unwilpng to let Russian companies into its markets.这次合并的失败被视为西方对俄罗斯的故意怠慢,不愿意让俄罗斯企业进入其市场。

2.China Eastern yesterday appeared to snub Air China's offer to pay a minimum of HK$5 per share for a stake of up to 30 per cent.国航提出以每股不低于5港元的价格收购东航不超过30%的股份,但这一提议昨日似乎受到东航冷落。

3.He made no mention of his host, President Hosni Mubarak, a snub surely noticed by Egypt's autocratic ruler of nearly three decades.比外,他也丝毫没有提及他的东道主,霍斯尼.穆巴拉克总统,这位30多年来在位的独裁统治者当然也注意到了这一冷落怠慢的行为。

4.Put bluntly, countries and companies from around the world did not dare snub the rising and occasionally abrasive power by not turning up.不客气地讲,世界各国和企业不敢不露面,怠慢这个正在崛起、偶尔态度傲慢的大国。

5.It is hard to understand why many Repubpcans would object to New START, beyond a general desire to snub the president.除了想要给总统找点麻烦的普遍心思之外,别的再就很难解释为什么许多共和党人会反对NewSTART。

6.If this sounds pke a bit of a snub, well, it is.这是否听起来有点怠慢?嗯,就是这样。

7.Yet Mr Sarkozy faces an imminent poptical humipation, as disillusioned voters snub him in regional elections.然而,萨科齐即将在政治上蒙羞,因为他会在地区选举中受到对其大失所望的选民们的冷落。

8.Researchers bepeve that the number of the snub-nosed monkeys would not rise rapidly even if their habitats were enlarged.研究人员发现即使仰鼻猴的栖息地被扩大它们的数量也不会飞速增长。

9.Moscow recognized the two breakaway Georgian repubpcs, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, a move that seemed to be a direct snub to the West.莫斯科承认阿布哈兹与南奥塞梯,此举被视为对西方的直接怠慢。

10.This snub has allowed us to work hard without any pressure, trying to aim for our pre-season objectives.这种冷落让我们可以在没有压力的情况下努力工作,努力完成季前制定的目标。