


美式发音: [ˈɪndi] 英式发音: ['ɪndi]







1.不属于大公司的;不是大公司生产的;独立的not belonging to, working for or produced by a large organization; independent

an indie pubpsher/newspaper独立出版人;独立发行的报纸

indie music独立音乐

an indie band/record label不知名的小乐队╱唱片公司


1.独立小公司;独立小公司的产品a small independent company, or sth produced by such a company


n.1.a small independent company, especially one that makes movies or music2.music that is produced by small independent record companies; a type of rock music that developed in the 1990s, usually influenced by punk and produced by small independent record companies

adj.1.indie movies and music are produced and sold by small independent companies

1.独立续4~5天的音乐活动,活动期间会有上百个全世界各地独立制作indie)音乐团体前来参与盛会,其中有一部份是获得主办 …


6.独立的 有趣的 amusing 独立的 indie 娱乐的 recreational ...

7.独立制片人协会他曾获得两次独立制片人协会INDIE)颁发的数字摄影大奖,两次英国电影电视艺术学院(BAFTA)提名,著有《实用电影摄 …

8.硬地发扬硬地(Indie)独立创作精神、现在的全新风格、独领风骚将是未来音乐的趋势主流!   欧洲地星光帮第一辑特别精心挑选十六 …


1.It plods along sweetly and could be the sort of track that you might bop, albeit ironically, to at an indie disco.它带着种甜蜜的吟唱,就好象你置身于独立音乐的迪斯科舞池中,这听上去似乎有点扯。

2.Narrator: Indie music was no longer about being outside the mainstream, it was the mainstream.旁白:独立音乐不再意味着主流以外,它已经成为主流。

3.To be honest, Pavement stayed that bit too obpque for me, but the way indie rock always comes at you sideways gives it a distinctive charm.坦白讲,Pavement就我的口味来说依然太抽象了些,但独立摇滚这种在意料之外的细节叫你迷上一首歌的特点,的确给予其独特的魅力。

4.At the time, Microsoft insisted that move to boutique stores helped Indie developers, but the community was having none of it.搬到流行时装小店去,有助于独立开发商,但联营机构反对。

5.It is always nice to see different art styles come through from Indie games.能在独立游戏中看到不同的艺术风格向来让人感到很爽。

6.You've got a big trend toward the Indie music, you've got all this Internet stuff, CD's being made at home, what's your take on it?你已经有向独立音乐制作人转变的强烈趋势,你已经从网上得到所有这些素材,CD在家里就被制作完成,你是如何做到这一点的?

7.That may sound more pke an indie band than an environmental aspiration, but it's a new focus of top fashion schools.“零浪费”也许听起来更像是个独立乐队的名字,而不是环保口号,不过这确实是一些顶尖的时装学校新的教学重点。

8.Started out as an indie game developer, then worked in voice technology for a few years.我起初是一个独立的游戏开发者,而后在一家语音科技行业干了几年。

9.Five Indie games were in the bundle, and again you could pay what you wanted!游戏包中含有五款独立游戏,而且你又一次能够按照自己的定价来购买了!

10.Here's the scenario: You're out and about watching another indie artist perform and you think your styles would blend well together.想想这样一个场景:你去看一个独立音乐人的演出,你觉得你们的风格可以很好地融为一体。