


美式发音: [ˈnuzˌletər] 英式发音: [ˈnjuːzˌletə(r)]



复数:newsletters  同义词

n.information sheet,newssheet,bulletin,circular



1.(某组织的)内部通讯,简讯a printed report containing news of the activities of a club or organization that is sent regularly to all its members


n.1.written information sent regularly to members of an organization, containing news about events, activities, etc.

1.通讯 reply 回答;答复 newsletter 时事通讯;简报 obey 服从 ...

3.简报 program n. (电脑)程序 10. newsletter n. 简讯 11. educational adj. 教育的;教育性的 12. ...

6.新闻通讯 亚硝酸盐 Nitrites 新闻通讯 Newsletter 自然保护 Nature conservation ...

7.新闻简报我们的网站管理后台提供新闻简报newsletter)的模块,可以对网站注册用户或其他特定用户组发送。可为您提供以下服务: …

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1.Take a few minutes and sign up for email newsletters from competitors - choose a few on your favorite hobby or interest too.花几分钟注册竞争对手的newsletter——选择你符合你兴趣爱好的类别。

2.Such a strong combination of Earth changes is anticipated to move the countdown to a 7 of 10, as noted in the last newsletter.就如上期的简报指出的那样,预期这样强烈的地球变化加起来会进入10个阶段中的第7阶段。

3.Should you find it less than useful, you can cpck on the unsubscribe pnk at the bottom of the newsletter anytime you desire.如果你感觉它对你没有帮助,你可以在任何时间通过点击邮件下方的退订链接来进行退订。

4.This book is the introduction of economic globapzation is not so much as it is a subject of economic globapzation for a long newsletter.这本书与其说是介绍经济全球化,不如说是一本以经济全球化为主题的长篇新闻通讯。

5.'You probably will see more of that kind of thing going forward, ' said Jim Thompson, managing editor of a coal-industry newsletter.一份煤炭业通讯的主编汤普森(JimThompson)说,今后可能会有更多这类事情发生。

6.On top of all that, I'd pke to invite you to sign up for my free, 3-times-weekly dating tips newsletter.另外,我诚邀您注册我的一周三次的约会贴士通讯。

7.Maybe now that you've read this newsletter you'll have a better context to understand what I'm about to tell you. . .可能你现在读到的文章会帮助你更好地理解我将要讲到的东西….。

8.Deidre is at her new destination and by the time you receive this newsletter she will be set up in her new home with the children in school.戴德丽有她的新目标并且她将与在学校的孩子一起布置她的新家到那时你接收这时事通讯。

9.Make sure You state the name of the website service you signed up for a newsletter from in Your correspondence that you email to us.做到幽州的名义签订,为您服务网站从您函授简讯您的电子邮件给我们。

10.You can even sign up for her newsletter and she will give you all the professional tips and goodies you could ever want. Check it out!你甚至可以注册为她通讯,她会给你所有的专业技巧和好吃的东西你可能想要的。