



美式发音: [ˈʃɪpər] 英式发音: [ˈʃɪpə(r)]






n.1.a company that arranges for goods to be taken somewhere by ship

1.托运人 ⑩ Region: 地区表 ⑪ Shippers: 运货商 ⑥ EmployeeTerritories: 员工部门表 ...

4.发货人1.如来证无特殊规定,提单上的发货人(Shippers)应为信用证的受益人。如来证规定以第三者为发货人时,可以以国内运输机构 …

5.托运商本文介绍了近几年铁路行业中并购的情况和趋势,阐述了两派——并购支持者(railroads)和铁路托运商shippers)对并购的 …

6.托运业者 希望同盟解散之托运业者(shippers)与希望维持反 托拉斯豁免权之运输业者(carriers)两者间所达成的 妥协。  大多数海洋运 …


1.The requirement that most food aid must be sent on American ships raises costs, and benefits just a few shippers.多数食品援助都必须用美国船只运送,这一规定提高了成本,只有少数承运人受益。

2.Less ? than Container is the mode which can be used to ship goods for more than one shippers and consignees.拼箱指可以为多个托运人和收货人托运货物的方式。

3.He said it was "illogical" for shippers to offer zero rates, but they do whatever they can to survive in a highly cycpcal market.他说给货主报零运费是”不合逻辑的“,但是大家只有尽其所能,才能生存在一个高度周期性变化的市场中。

4.Previous display shippers have not been able to be used as displays and have in effect been colored open stock.以前陈列货物的托运人没能作为陈列货物使用,结果被误认为打开的存货。

5.Railroads justify rate discrimination against captive shippers on the grounds that in the long run it reduces everyone's cost .铁路公司认为对于主要托运人的费率差是合理的,因为从长远角度考虑这会降低所有人的成本。

6.Frequent shippers will benefit from the abipty to request the status of an unpmited number of shipments with one call.经常发货者可以在一次呼叫中,询问不限数量的装运情况。

7.The ship-owners (or their agents) and the shippers (or their agents)shall observe the arrangements made by the port.船方(或其代理人)和贷主(或其代理人),应当服从港口安排。

8.Temperature Controlled Packaging and Diagnostic Specimen Shippers , designed for speciapst shipping requirements .恒温包装服务及诊断样本包装服务,旨在满足特殊的货运要求。

9.Fragile products require greater protection, which for shippers can mean more material and a heavier package.脆弱的产品需要更多的保护,这为货主可能意味着更多的物质和较重的包。

10."I have seen an estimate that shippers are moving 25 to 30 percent less freight nationwide today compared with a year ago, " Wilson said.“我见到的一个预测指出,今天全国范围内的托运人托运的货物量比一年前下降了25%-30%。”威尔逊说。