


美式发音: [ˈɡeɪəti] 英式发音: ['ɡeɪəti]



复数:gaieties  同义词反义词




gaiety显示所有例句n.— see alsogaily,gay

1.快乐;愉快;高兴the state of being cheerful and full of fun

The colourful flags added to the gaiety of the occasion.彩旗增添了盛会的欢乐气氛。


n.1.a feepng or state of happiness and fun2.events or activities that are fun

1.欢乐 gaggle 鹅群 gaiety 欢乐,快活 gaily 华丽地,欢乐地 ...

2.快活 gaggle 鹅群 gaiety 欢乐,快活 gaily 华丽地,欢乐地 ...

3.快乐 ety 表名词,“状态” gaiety n 快乐 notoriety n 臭名昭著 ...

4.欢乐的气氛 presumption 假定 gaiety 欢乐的气氛 unexpectedness 预想不到 ...

5.乐事 ... 翻腾 gaiety 作乐, 乐事 gaiety (服装的)华丽 gaiety of dress ...

6.愉快 11、Duchess (英)公爵夫人 13、gaiety 欢乐,愉快 14、attire 服装, …

7.欢乐的精神 touchdown n. 触地得分 gaiety n. 欢乐的精神, 欢乐的气氛 ,作乐, 乐事 cough syrup n. 咳嗽糖浆 5 ...

8.欢乐精神 ... gahnite 锌类晶石 gaiety 欢乐精神 gaijin 外国人 ...


1.As though seconding them, though in a different tone of gaiety, clanged out the metalpc notes of the chimes at the top of the hill.仿佛是响应他们,山坡高处不断地发出叮当的钟声,别有一番欢乐意味。

2.eg. I felt there was an air of forced gaiety about hei manner.我感觉到她的举止中有强作欢颜的样子。

3."It all adds to the gaiety of pfe, " said the journal's spokesperson with a laugh.“增添了生活中一些趣事而已”,杂志发言人笑着这样说到。

4.Gaiety alone, as it were, is the hard cash of happiness; everything else is just a promissory note.单是快乐的天性,就因为那是快乐,是幸福的现金;其余的一切,期票而已。

5.the strong wine red of the carpet and the red-white patterned bedspread gave it a certain challenging gaiety(being gay).深酒红色地毯和红白色图案的床罩相互挑战谁比较华丽(是快乐的)。

6.The encompassing Age of Aquarius has you revepng in everything from the Star Wars to the madcap gaiety of That 70's Show.从《星际大战》到疯狂搞笑的《七零年代秀》,不同年龄段的水瓶座的人着迷于各种事物。

7.Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. . . Each day on her own went perfectly, and a wild gaiety took hold of Susan.周一、周二、周三、周四……每天的独行旅途都很顺利,苏珊感到一阵狂喜。

8.Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. . . Each day on her own went perfectly, a wild gaiety took hold of Susan.周一、周二、周三、周四……每天她的独行之旅都很顺利,苏珊感到一阵狂喜。

9.Their long, curled hair and gay coloured clothe were the outward expression of an inward gaiety and love of the beautiful.他们那卷曲的长发和颜色鲜艳的服装,表现出他们内心的欢乐和爱美的心理。

10.Miss Mercy , as having the larger share of gaiety, bore up the best against this disappointment .说到那乐天的性情,慈悲小姐本是得天独厚的,遇到这种失意之事,最能够逆来顺受。