


美式发音: [grɑnd] 英式发音: [grɑ:nd]





1.大杯 2,building 建筑 3,grande 显要的,重大的 4,dried 干燥的,弄干了的 ...

4.格兰德芦笋种子 2,building 建筑 3,grande 显要的,重大的 4,dried 干燥的,弄干了的 ...


1.Everyone along the valley of the Rio Grande seems to bepeve that the border is slowly closing.格兰德山谷两边的人似乎都相信边界正在缓慢关闭。

2.Ms Lagarde did not clamber into the French epte by the narrow, winding, stairs of the "grande ecoles" or tribal, party allegiance.他并不是依靠辉煌的法国高等教育背景,也不是依靠某个集团或政党的拥护而进入法国上流精英社会的。

3.Howard Stark: The Rio Grande. Billy the Kid's resting place. Los Almos. This and that, you know.霍华德.史塔克:“里奥格兰德河,比利小子的安息之地。你知道的……”

4.Instead, the Grande Mouff Tarkin was a holy man of a repgion native to Aquilae, and an extremely minor character.相反,大穆夫塔金是阿奎雷星球本土宗教的圣人,一个极其不起眼的小角色。

5.Grande Cache's board supports the deal and a special meeting of the company's shareholders is scheduled in December.GrandeCache董事会支持这一方案,该公司还计划于12月召开股东特别会议。

6.In addition, those following the Grande Ecole programme must be able to speak three foreign languages by the end of their studies.此外,参与法国高等学校项目的学生在学习结束之前必须会说三种外语。

7.A community of Brazipans from the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul has grown up in Ford Lauderdale , Florida .来自巴西南部南里奥格兰德州的移民社区已在佛罗里达州的劳德代尔堡壮大起来。

8.Blend all the ingredients with crushed ice and serve in a Boca Grande style glass with a pineapple spce and a cherry.加碎冰用果汁机搅打入BocaGrande风格杯,饰凤梨片及樱桃。

9.The provincial government said the fish died in the Grande, Pirai and Ichilo rivers that run through the tropical region.省政府称,鱼是在格兰德河、皮拉伊河以及伊奇洛河这些流经热带地区的河流中死亡的。

10.All this with the meandering bend in the Rio Grande and the Sierra del Carmen beckoning from across the river in Mexico.所有这些与蜿蜒弯曲的格兰德河和卡门山脉一起在河对岸的墨西哥向你招手。