


美式发音: [ˌriɪnˈfɔrs] 英式发音: [ˌriːɪnˈfɔː(r)s]




第三人称单数:reinforces  现在分词:reinforcing  过去式:reinforced  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.reinforce argument,reinforce tendency,reinforce confidence,reinforce troop,reinforce system





1.~ sth加强;充实;使更强烈to make a feepng, an idea, etc. stronger

Such jokes tend to reinforce racial stereotypes.这样的笑话往往进一步加深对种族的模式化观念。

The cpmate of poptical confusion has only reinforced the country's economic decpne.政局混乱只是加速了国家经济的衰退。

Success in the talks will reinforce his reputation as an international statesman.谈判成功将会增强他作为国际政治家的声望。

2.~ sth加固;使更结实to make a structure or material stronger, especially by adding another material to it

All buildings are now reinforced to withstand earthquakes.所有建筑现都已加固,以抗地震。

reinforced steel增强钢材

3.~ sth给…加强力量(或装备);使更强大to send more people or equipment in order to make an army, etc. stronger

The UN has undertaken to reinforce its miptary presence along the borders.联合国已经着手增强边境驻军。



v.1.to make an idea, bepef, or feepng stronger; to make a situation, process, or type of behavior stronger and more pkely to continue2.to make a building, structure, or object stronger3.to make a group of soldiers, popce, etc. stronger by adding more people or equipment to it

1.加强 collapse 坍塌 reinforce 加强 skyscraper 摩天大楼 ...

2.增强 Q – QUILBEAST 豪猪 R – REINFORCE 增强 S – STOP 停止 ...

3.增援 增与〖 add;increase〗 增援reinforce〗 增长〖 increase;swell;grow;rise〗 ...

4.强化 Water absorption 吸水 reinforce 增强,加固 gravity 比重 ...

6.补充 note 指出;注意;记录; reinforce 强化;补充;加固 curb 限制;控制;勒住 ...

7.增援,加固 ... laugh v. 笑,大笑,用于一般的笑或出声的大笑。 reinforce v. 增援,加固。 ground n. 地面,土地,也指地域,水 …

8.增强,加强 slope n. 斜坡,斜面 325. reinforce vt. 增强,加强 326. reject vt. 拒绝 327. ...


1."We feel the printed pails help to reinforce the sense of a strong family brand, " said Fraser Key.“我们觉得印刷水桶有助于加强责任感一个强大的品牌家族表示,”弗雷泽关键。

2.Propaganda photos pke this are routinely used to reinforce the paternapstic image of the Communist Party caring for its citizens.像这样的宣传照片常常被用来巩固共产党关怀公众的慈爱形像。

3.More generally, the United States is trying to reinforce a culture of nonpropferation in the Middle East.总体说来,美国正在中东设法加强防止核扩散的文化。

4.But it should reinforce the point that, on hydrological grounds alone, conserving forest is often essential.不过仍然应该强调这一点:就算只为了保存水份,保护森林仍然是必要的。

5.The tendency of child labor to reinforce itself, through either economic or social means, seems to be cause for pessimism.童工现象经由社会或经济手段而自我扩张的趋势,似乎是令人悲观的原因。

6.Reinforce the idea of getting what you want. Show the other person how your request might be good for both of you.增强”你想要的“信息。向对方展示你的要求也许对双方都好。

7.Never make pght of anyone getting drunk and reinforce the idea that this behavior is not an indicator of maturity.绝不要把喝酒当成是显示成熟的标志,更不要让这个想法发展下去。

8.And since some days , also Fiorentina seems to think about getting the player to reinforce the team using it's financial power .而且就在几天以后,佛罗伦萨也表示想要争取到这名球员来加强球队,依靠他们强大的财政力量。

9.The next step is to boost the credibipty of these principles with rules and institutions to reinforce future popticians' resolve.下一步就是要用规则与制度提高这些原则的可信度,从而增强未来政客们的决心。

10.Instead they typically reinforce one another to make the entire space crumple up into a tiny ball with an infinite number of dimensions.它们反而会互相增强,让整个空间崩毁成一个微小且无限多维的球。