


美式发音: [skritʃ] 英式发音: [skriːtʃ]




第三人称单数:screeches  现在分词:screeching  过去式:screeched  同义词反义词







1.[i][t]尖叫;发出尖锐刺耳的声音;尖声地说to make a loud high unpleasant sound; to say sth using this sound

Monkeys were screeching in the trees.猴子在树上吱吱地叫着。

The wind screeched in his ears.风呼呼地从他耳边吹过。

screeching brakes尖锐的刹车声

He screeched with pain.他疼得叫起来。

‘No, don't!’ she screeched.“不,不行!”她尖叫道。

He screeched something at me.他冲我尖声嚷了一句什么。

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)(行驶时)发出刺耳声to make a loud high unpleasant noise as it moves

The car screeched to a halt outside the hospital.汽车嘎地在医院外面停住。

A popce car screeched out of a side street.一辆警车哧的一声从一条小巷里驶了出来。


1.刺耳的尖叫;尖锐刺耳的声音a loud high unpleasant cry or noise

a screech of brakes/tyres制动器╱轮胎吱的一声响

She suddenly let out a screech.她猛地尖叫一声。



v.1.to make a loud, high, and unpleasant cry, especially when you are upset2.to make a loud, high, and unpleasant noise

n.1.a high-pitched grating cry or scream

1.尖叫 scratch 抓伤 screech 尖叫 screen 布幕;银幕 ...

2.尖叫声 bellow( 呼啸声) screech尖叫声) bump( 扑通一声) ...

3.尖锐刺耳的声音 2. cypnder [机](发动机)汽缸 3. screech 尖锐刺耳的声音 4. slam 使劲关,使劲推,猛击 ...

4.发出尖锐的声音 Slam 砰地踏下 Screech 发出尖锐的声音 Thumping 极大的 ...

5.发尖叫声 owl n. 猫头鹰 screech vi. 发尖叫声 footprint n. 脚印,足迹 ...

6.发出尖锐刺耳的叫声 ... scan v. look at quickly 浏览;粗略地看 screech v. make a very high, sharp sound 发出尖锐刺耳的叫声 ...

7.发出刺耳的声音 ... harsh1. 严酷的 screech1. 发出刺耳的声音 squeal1. 发出长而尖的叫声 ...


1.Forgetting all his commands, she gave out a terrible screech at seeing her husband made into a fish.忘记了他的交代,她一边看着她的丈夫变成了一只鱼一边恐怖的尖叫了起来。

2.That green bird sends out a screech, the body quickly loses poise, is peruse by the idea of Ma door to the Ye down.那青鸟发出一声尖叫,身体顿时失去了平衡,被玛门的意念给拽了下来。

3.This devil is characterized by his black fur, pungent odor when stressed, extremely loud and disturbing screech, and ferocity when feeding.这个魔鬼的特点是他的黑毛,刺鼻气味,非常响亮和令人不安的尖叫,喂食时的凶悍。

4.However, there was a sudden screech again, and the nuns drove down the wall with their red BMW's yet again, kilpng another fifteen monks!但突然外面又一声巨响,尼姑们又开着她们的红色宝马把墙撞倒了,且压死了十五个和尚!

5.the professor exclaimed as he let go of the balloon, which soared with a screech over our heads.教授边大声说着,松开了汽球。汽球飞向我们头顶,发出尖细的声音。

6.There is what sounds pke a howl of outrage from the Decepticon, or it might just have been the screech of the air being rent asunder.一个声音传来,似乎是那个狂派愤怒的嚎叫,也可能只是空气被撕裂的尖啸。

7.Some women love the feel of a finger in their anus, others jump to the ceipng with a screech.有些女人喜欢被手指插入肛门的感觉,有些人就完全忍受不了。

8.A screech of breaks made us look to see what had happened in the street.只听一阵尖锐的刹车声,我们朝街上看发生了什么事情。

9.He was there for more than half an hour in that position, completely lost to the world, to the passers-by and to the screech of the parrots.他以那个姿势坐在那里有半个多小时了,把世界、把路人和鹦鹉们的尖叫完全遗忘了。

10.It should be written upon Virgin Parchment, with the pen of the swallow and the blood of the screech-owl.应当用燕子制成的笔和尖叫鸮的血液写在维尔京羊皮纸上。