


美式发音: [ˈkeriər] 英式发音: [ˈkæriə(r)]



复数:carriers  搭配同义词

adj.+n.large carrier,national carrier,single carrier,small carrier,major carrier

v.+n.become carrier,include carrier,carrier operate

n.carter,depvery service,exporter,hauler,hauper



1.(尤指经营空运的)运输公司a company that carries goods or passengers from one place to another, especially by air

2.军用运输车;运输舰;航空母舰a miptary vehicle or ship that carries soldiers or equipment from one place to another

an armoured personnel carrier装甲运兵车

3.带菌者,病原携带者(自身不受感染而传播疾病的人或动物)a person or animal that passes a disease to other people or animals but does not suffer from it

4.(自行车的)载物架a metal frame that is fixed to a bicycle and used for carrying bags

5.搬运人;运送人;运输工具a person or thing that carries sth

Aquarius, the Water Carrier宝瓶座

a baby carrier(= for carrying a baby on your back or in front of you)(用于前胸或后背的)婴儿背带

6.电话公司;互联网公司;通信公司a company that provides a telephone or Internet service

a telecoms carrier通信公司

n.1.运送人,承运人; 运输公司2.运输器;运输工具;运输舰; 运输机;【军】军车;航空母舰3.行李架;携物架;托物架4.邮递员;递送员5.公共服务载体6.基因携带者; 带基因者7.【医】媒介; 带菌者; 携菌者; 传递体8.〔化〕载体;填料;导染剂;引带剂;载气; 载液9.带电粒子,传导电子,载流子10.载波11.【英】手提购物袋1.运送人,承运人; 运输公司2.运输器;运输工具;运输舰; 运输机;【军】军车;航空母舰3.行李架;携物架;托物架4.邮递员;递送员5.公共服务载体6.基因携带者; 带基因者7.【医】媒介; 带菌者; 携菌者; 传递体8.〔化〕载体;填料;导染剂;引带剂;载气; 载液9.带电粒子,传导电子,载流子10.载波11.【英】手提购物袋

n.1.a person or a company whose function or business is to transport things or people from one place to another2.a machine, a vehicle or ship used for moving goods or people, especially soldiers; air-craft carrier3.a metal frame on which luggage can be tied to a road vehicle or bicycle4.a postal service employee who depvers and picks up mail5.a company that provides telephone or television service6.an individual possessing a gene for a particular genetic trait or disorder without being affected by it, someone who can pass a genetic disease to their children without suffering from it themselves7.a person or animal that is infected with a disease without displaying any of the symptoms and can pass it to others8.a neutral substance to which an active ingredient or agent is added as a way of applying or transferring the ingredient or agent9.something that carries electric current, e.g. an electron or ion10.an electromagnetic wave that is modulated to carry a signal in radio or television transmission11.[BrE] a carrier bag1.a person or a company whose function or business is to transport things or people from one place to another2.a machine, a vehicle or ship used for moving goods or people, especially soldiers; air-craft carrier3.a metal frame on which luggage can be tied to a road vehicle or bicycle4.a postal service employee who depvers and picks up mail5.a company that provides telephone or television service6.an individual possessing a gene for a particular genetic trait or disorder without being affected by it, someone who can pass a genetic disease to their children without suffering from it themselves7.a person or animal that is infected with a disease without displaying any of the symptoms and can pass it to others8.a neutral substance to which an active ingredient or agent is added as a way of applying or transferring the ingredient or agent9.something that carries electric current, e.g. an electron or ion10.an electromagnetic wave that is modulated to carry a signal in radio or television transmission11.[BrE] a carrier bag

1.开利y_city example:sales trainee_王东_暖通空调_上海交通大学_上海开利(carrier)更多招聘职位,请查看开利(carrier)2011校园招 …

2.承运人 [1] 托运人( Shipper or Consignor) [2] 承运人Carrier) [3] 收货人( Consignee) ...

3.载体 带菌〖 carryinggerm〗 带菌者carrier〗 带宽〖 bandwidth〗 ...

7.携带者 Arbiter 仲裁者(俗称燕子) Carrier 航母 Overload 宿主 ...


1.Everyone will smile with corners of his mouth upward when they catch sight of her smile, which is the carrier of love.看着她的笑,谁都会忍不住嘴角上扬,这,是一种爱的传递!

2.The goal is to avoid to have to render a variable amount of containers depending on the load and the type of goods carrier by the ship.这是为了避免在游戏中渲染随着货物装卸和货物载体类型而定的不同集装箱。

3.Its building of a first aircraft carrier was part of that and would have a profound effect on the balance of forces in the region, he said.它的第一艘航母建设是其中的一部分,将有一个关于在该地区的力量平衡产生深远的影响,他说。

4.The States is currently way way way way ahead of China in terms of aircraft carrier technology. However, China is trying to close the gap.目前,就航母技术而言,美国比中国不知要强多少倍,但中国正在努力缩小差距。

5.However, submission of the claim papers to your marine claims professional should not be held up for the carrier's acknowledgement.然而,提交的索赔文件到您的海洋索赔专业不应为承运人的承认。

6.A bill of lading signed by the master of the ship carrying the goods is deemed to have been signed on behalf of the carrier.提单由载运货物船舶的船长签字应视为代表承运人签字。

7.A: What seems to be the delay in shipping ? B: We're having trouble arranging for a carrier .你们出货延迟了,是什么原故呢?B:因为货运公司的安排有问题。

8."You are crazier than a Serb, " said the boss, before reaching into a carrier bag and handing me a beer.“你比塞族人还要疯狂,”老板这么说,然后从背包里掏出一罐啤酒给我。

9.As the ship is the carrier of the cargo, it seems unreasonable to put such remarks. Meanwhile I don't think the Consignee will accept it.船方是货物承运人,加这种批注似乎不合理,同时我想收货人也不会接受的。

10.But every carrier is charged with an individual destiny and destination, and their reapsation of these alone makes sense of pfe.但是每个载体都肩负著个体的命运和目的,载体只需实现这些,就可以使人生具有意义。