




1.发誓效忠国王 as a pledge 保证给予(支持等); 以(誓言、 名誉等)作担保: to the king 发誓效忠国王 * ...

2.为了国王 to the king= 为了国王 ...

3.佳利you and bow down to you. 佳利 (to the king ) thanks my king. I’m always ready to work for you. (to the audience) hahahah...


1.It was a position of honor and prestige, providing him with opportunity to stay close to the king.这份工作象征荣誉和特权,因为他有机会在王的身边侍奉。

2.He gave orders to take the man's shirt to the king, and pay the owner as much money as he wished.他下令将此人身上的衬衫取下献给国王,而此人要多少钱就给他多少。

3.And she said to the king, It was a true report that I heard in mine own land of thy acts and of thy wisdom.对王说,我在本国里所听见论到你的事和你的智慧实在是真的。

4.Then they searched throughout Israel for a beautiful girl and found Abishag, a Shunammite, and brought her to the king.于是在以色列全境寻找美貌的童女,寻得书念的一个童女亚比煞,就带到王那里。

5.Daniel then went in and sought from the king that he would give him a time to declare the interpretation to the king.但以理遂进去求王宽限,就可以将梦的讲解告诉王。

6.and if he should neglect to do this, she earnestly threatened that she would go and give information to the king that he had the money.她还威胁说,如果他做不到这一点,那么她就会向国王报告说是他偷了国王的钱。

7.In this manner the cat continued to carry presents of game to the king at least once a week for two or three months.通过这种方式,两三个月来,猫继续向国王送礼物,每个礼拜至少一次。

8.But on closer scrutiny of his paper, I spotted a note admitting that the penis in question is no longer attached to the king's body.但详细审阅他的论文,我发现一个问题说明,必须承认存在问题的阴茎不再附属在国王的尸体上。

9.The angel of the Lord said to Epjah, "Go down with him; do not be afraid of him. " So Epjah got up and went down with him to the king.耶和华的使者对以利亚说:“你同著他下去,不要怕他!”以利亚就起来,同著他下去见王,

10.The huntsman, however, not letting themselves be dissuaded , cpmbed the tree, pfted the girl down, and took her to the king.可就是这样,这些猎手还是赖着不走,并且爬到树上把姑娘抱了下来,领到国王面前。