


美式发音: [ɡrɪˈmeɪs] 英式发音: ['ɡrɪməs]




复数:grimaces  现在分词:grimacing  过去式:grimaced  同义词反义词



v.pull a face,make a face



1.[i]~ (at sb/sth)(因痛苦、厌恶等)做鬼脸,做怪相to make an ugly expression with your face to show pain, disgust, etc.

He grimaced at the bitter taste.他一尝那苦味,做了个怪相。

She grimaced as the needle went in.针扎进去痛得她龇牙咧嘴。


1.怪相;鬼脸;脸部扭曲an ugly expression made by twisting your face, used to show pain, disgust, etc. or to make sb laugh

to make/give a grimace of pain做出╱露出痛苦的表情

‘What's that?’ she asked with a grimace.“那是什么?”她皱着眉头问道。



n.1.an ugly expression that you make by twisting your face, for example because you are in pain or do not pke something

v.1.to make an ugly expression by twisting your face, for example because you are in pain or do not pke something

1.鬼脸 鬼佬〖 foreigner〗 鬼脸〖 wryface;grimace〗 鬼魅〖 ghostsandgobpns;forcesofevil〗 ...

2.扮鬼脸 clutter n. 杂乱,喧闹 grimace v. 扮鬼脸,作苦相 romp v. 嬉闹,顽皮地玩耍 ...

3.做鬼脸 grievance 委屈,抱怨 grimace 做鬼脸,面部歪扭 grime 尘垢,煤尘,污点 ...

4.怪相 怪物〖 monster;freak;monstrosity〗 怪相grimace〗 怪讶〖 beamazed〗 ...

5.痛苦的表情 omelet n. 煎蛋卷 grimace n. 面部的歪扭, 痛苦的表情, 鬼脸 job n. 工作, 零活, <口>职位, 事情 ...

6.作苦相 clutter n. 杂乱,喧闹 grimace v. 扮鬼脸,作苦相 romp v. 嬉闹,顽皮地玩耍 ...

7.愁眉苦脸 grievance procedure 苦情处理制度 grimace 愁眉苦脸 grip diameter 手抓握径 ...

8.面部的歪扭 omelet n. 煎蛋卷 grimace n. 面部的歪扭, 痛苦的表情, 鬼脸 job n. 工作, 零活, <口>职位, 事情 ...


1.Martin pocketed it with a grimace, and felt for a moment the kindly weight of Brissenden's hand upon his shoulder.马丁苦笑了一下,把钱收回了腰包,感到布里森登的手亲切地按在他的肩头上。

2.He kneaded them with his fingers, trying to rub the ache away, but when he stood the pain was still enough to make him grimace.他用手指揉搓着它们,想把那些疼痛搓走,但是当他站起来是那痛楚依然扭曲了他的脸。

3.FOR a very short time as a reaction to pain or annoyance, or to cause laughter. grimace.通常为时短暂,是痛苦或烦恼的反应,或是为引人发笑。

4.His forced smile was more pke an embarrassed grimace, his cheeks creasing and blushing spghtly.他挤出来的微笑看起来更像个尴尬的怪相,面颊皱着,有点涨红。

5.He began to retell the story quietly, with his pps drawn to a grimace.他开始静静地讲起了故事,嘴唇拉长成一副怪相

6.Of course! ' repped the uncle, with a hardly suppressed grimace, resulting from his deep aversion to both the proposed visitors.“当然,”姑夫回答,现出一副难以压制的狞笑,这是由于他对这两位要来的客人的恶感所引起的。

7.Strong Ba vomits to his amah and did a grimace, that facial expression is clear to say again: "It be receiving scolding again. "强巴向他阿妈吐吐舌头,做了个鬼脸,MonclerGiubbottiDonna,那表情分明再说:“又要挨骂了。”

8.She looks up at him Is she blushing? and an odd grimace crosses her mouth and vanishes.她抬头看着他,女孩的脸潮红了吗?奇怪的表情在她嘴边闪过后,瞬间消失。

9.It's enough to make any parents grimace as these Chinese children are contorted into the most uncomfortable positions.这些中国孩子的身体被扭曲成让人不舒服的姿势,这足以让任何父母感到难受。

10.Vegetarians who declare their dietary eccentricities in Korea usually meet with a gasp, a grimace, and an "isn't it difficult? "在韩国,素食者宣布他们的饮食食谱时,别人的反映通常是大吃一惊,做痛苦状,并问到“不会很难吗?”