


美式发音: [ˈsʌlˌfaɪd] 英式发音: [ˈsʌlfaɪd]





sulfide— see alsosulphate,sulphide,sulphur,sulphuric acid



n.1.<AmE>Same as sulphid(e)2.a mixture of sulfur and another chemical element

na.1.The variant of sulfid

1.硫化物 Oxidization 氧化 Sulfide 硫化物 Wine Stopper 酒塞污染 ...

2.硫醚 硫酚 thiophenol 硫醚 sulfide 二硫化物 disulfide ...

3.硫系列yrrole)、噻吩系列(Thiophene)、含硫系列Sulfide)以及其他的芳香类化合物 .4-甲基-5-羟乙基噻唑;呋喃酮;丁位癸内酯 …

4.硫离子bunit)组成的素复合体,将亚硫酸盐还原成负二价硫离子sulfide),硫离子即可继续作为成含硫胺基酸或其他含硫化合物之 …

5.糠甲基硫醚 ... 414 furfury1 methy1 sulfide 糠甲基硫醚 3160 - 415 furfury1 thioacetate 硫代乙酸糠酯 3162 I1797 ...

6.硫化合物 ... 氯化物( Chloride) 硫化合物Sulfide) 氮化合物( Nitrogen compounds) ...

7.硫胶重 量: 650Kg 适应胶种类: 硅酮结构胶(SILICON)/聚硫胶SULFIDE)/聚氨酯胶(URETHANE)


1.Remote-controlled machines smash the sulfide deposits, which are then hoovered up through a riser pipe to a vessel on the surface.硫化物沉淀会先被遥控机器粉碎,然后通过一个升流管被吸到位于海面的容器中。

2.And what you're seeing here is a cloud of densely packed hydrogen sulfide -rich water coming out of a volcanic axis on the sea floor .您现在看到的是一团密度很高的强硫化氢液体从海底的火山中轴喷出。

3.After half a year after the general caches, almost undetectable wine of sulfide, make the existing pquor irritating greatly repeved.一般经过半年的窖藏后,几乎检测不出酒中硫化物的存在,使白酒的刺激性大大减轻。

4.The formation and fate of sulfide in a force main and a downstream-located gravity sewer were investigated in an extensive field study.的形成和命运的力量硫化物主要和下游设重力下水道进行了广泛的实地研究。

5.From the point of molecular structure, the paper presents the chemical modification methods of polyphenylene sulfide.从分子结构的角度出发,介绍了聚苯硫醚的化学改性途径;

6.The insoluble sulfide has no influence on the method, and this method just can determine dissolvable sulfide.难溶性硫化物对测定不产生影响,本文方法只测定可溶性硫化物。

7.The dynamic melt viscoelastic properties were used to determine the relative molecular mass distribution of poly(phenylene sulfide)( PPS ).研究应用熔体动态粘弹性质测定聚苯硫醚相对分子质量分布方法。

8.Sulfide further accumulates where depressions in the bottom of the sill interfere with the flow system and act as natural riffles.岩床底上如有陷穴,就起到天然溜槽的作用,干扰了岩流体系,使硫化进一步堆积。

9.Sulfide in veinlets accounts in places for a considerable part of the total.细脉中的硫化物在有些地方,占总量的相当大的部分。

10.Magmatic PGE sulfide deposit in melanocratic rock series is still one of the fundamental sources of PGE resources.暗色岩套中的硫化物PGE矿床仍然是目前PGE资源的主要来源之一。