


美式发音: [ɡrʌf] 英式发音: [ɡrʌf]



比较级:gruffer  最高级:gruffest  同义词反义词





1.低沉沙哑的;生硬的deep and rough, and often sounding unfriendly

2.冷淡的;态度生硬的unfriendly and impatient

Beneath his gruff exterior, he's really very kind-hearted.他外表冷漠,心地却十分善良。


adj.1.rude and unfriendly2.a gruff voice has a rough low sound

1.粗暴的 tyrant n. 暴君,残暴之人 | gruff adj 粗暴的 oschlocracy n 暴民统治 ...

2.粗鲁的 1. barbaric 野蛮的 2. gruff 粗鲁的 3. popsh 修养、优雅 ...

3.粗哑的 “Coarse” 粗的,粗糙的 “gruff粗哑的;嘶哑的 “hoarse” 嘶哑的 ...

4.脾气坏的 腐坏的 addle 脾气坏的 gruff 更坏的事 worse ...

5.生硬的 fluff 绒毛 gruff 生硬的 scof 嘲笑 ...

6.粗重 ... be heavy with 充满... 粗重1. rough;harsh;gruff;loud and jarring 笨重货物起重费 heavy pft charge ...

7.指声音 2. 形容词 [颗粒大] coarse 3. 形容词 [指声音] gruff 4. 形容词 [粗糙] crude ...


1.I hope there ain't, but I can't make so 'Nation sure of that, ' said the guard, in gruff soploquy.“我倒也希望没有问题,可我他妈的放心不下,”那卫兵粗声粗气地自言自语。

2.To which the admirably gruff Johnston repped, courtesy of US Weekly: "She was full of it. "对于这些,约翰斯顿借《美国周刊》极为生硬地回应道:“她身上充满了有抱负的色情。”

3."Half of Cuba pves off the black market, " he said with a gruff smile. "And the other half depends on it. To me, it is unstoppable. "“一半的古巴人靠黑市为生,”他说话的时候带着种粗鲁的微笑。“另一半人的生活依赖黑市。对于我来说,它是不可阻挡的。”

4.Hugh Rodham was a gruff, tough-talking Repubpcan who, to say the least, was suspicious of me.休.罗德姆是一个态度生硬、言辞犀利的共和党人,最起码他对我不信任。

5.If she is as gruff as President [as she was in civil service], it will be a problem for her.如果她像总统一样粗暴(就像她在行政部门时),将会对她是个问题。

6.Mr. Pierce kept studying the menu with an air of good-natured seriousness, quizzing his son from time to time with gruff but genial banter.皮尔斯先生还在看菜单,看起来那样温和又庄重,还时不时用粗哑但又亲切的嗓音询问他儿子。

7.Mr Bolton has been criticised for his gruff manner, which some suggest has hampered him in his goal of internal reform at the UN.波尔顿的粗暴态度遭致批评,有些人认为这将阻碍他推行联合国内部改革的目标。

8.The Duke had many of the most acclaimed virtues of his era: He was hard-working, patriotic, gruff and looked plausible on a horse.公爵在他的时代有很多为人称道的优点:他勤劳,爱国,声音沙哑却口齿伶俐。

9.He had a sweet, low manner of speaking, and pronounced his words as you do: that's less gruff than we talk here, and softer.他有一种悦耳的低声的说话口气,而且吐字也跟你一样。比起我们这儿讲话来,没有那么粗声粗气的,却更为柔和些。

10.said the Great Big Bear in his great, rough, gruff voice.大大熊用他的又大,又粗,又哑的声音说。