


美式发音: [ˈɡʊdˌrun] 英式发音: [ˈɡudru:n]





1.古淳erald)相对照,杰拉德代表 北方模式,他和女友古德伦Gudrun)的情爱关系也以失败告终,因此 杰拉德在朋友家过夜看 …

3.古德龙像古德龙(Gudrun)那样粗俗和严酷的武士、像布伦希尔德(Brunhilde)那样在体力格逐中击败了其求婚者自己却被吹到海上去受尽 …

4.古德露恩老妇即北欧神话里的公主古德露恩Gudrun),是古恩纳尔的妹妹,她曾以母亲赐予的魔法药水令英雄希格尔德(Sigurd)失 …


6.古德蓉古德蓉Gudrun)向记者表示,她分发资料的时候,资料很快就被路人拿光了。一组年轻人给她留下了深刻印象,他们非常专 …

7.古璐德古璐德 (Gudrun)


1.A hardness came over Gudrun's face. She did not want to be too definite.古姐脸上一阵冷酷的神情,表明她并不想把这事说得太明确。

2.Gudrun waited for him to come up. Then she softly put out her hand and touched him, saying softly: "Don't be angry with me. "古娟等待他的靠近,然后伸手碰了碰他,轻声说:“别生我的气。”

3.Gudrun sat down, as if, absent as he was, his will had power over her.古娟坐了下来,和他一样心不在焉,好象他的意志影响了她。

4.Gudrun came up quickly, unseen. She was dressed in blue, with woolen yellow stocking, pke the Bluecoat boys.瞬间,古娟神不知鬼不觉地出现了。她穿着蓝色衣服,黄色羊毛长统袜,颇似慈善学校的学生。

5.Gerald was thinking how Gudrun had said she would strike the last blow too . But some reserve made him keep this back from Birkin .杰罗尔德思考着古娟曾说过的话,她将亮出致命的一击。但几分戒心使他没有把这事泄露给伯金。

6.Young as she was, Gudrun had touched the whole pulse of social England.古娟年纪轻轻,却摸透了英国社会的脉搏。

7.Gudrun is rather self- opinionated . She won't go cheap anywhere. Or if she does , she'll pretty soon take herself back.古娟相当固执己见,她不会低声下气地随便屈就。既使她屈尊低就了,她也会很快反悔的。

8."Doesn't she look weird! " Gudrun heard some girls titter behind her. And she could have killed them.“她看起来是不是很奇怪!”,顾娟听见一些女孩在背地里窃笑。她真想杀了她们。

9."Him! " ejaculated Birkin. "Poor Gudrun, wouldn't she suffer afterwards for having given herself away! " He was hugely depghted.“嗨!”伯金惊叫了起来。“可怜的古娟,她露了相之后一定会悔恨的!”他高兴万分。

10.Gudrun rose sharply and went away.顾娟突然起身走开。