


美式发音: [ˈrɪŋər] 英式发音: [ˈrɪŋə(r)]






1.(以冒名顶替等手段)非法参赛的马(或人)a horse or person that takes part in a race illegally, for example by using a false name


n.1.a person or horse that illegally takes part in a competition or race instead of another person or horse2.someone who rings church bells or hand bells3.a dead ringer4.the part of a telephone that makes it ring1.a person or horse that illegally takes part in a competition or race instead of another person or horse2.someone who rings church bells or hand bells3.a dead ringer4.the part of a telephone that makes it ring

1.替身姐妹 ring-spun woollen yarn 环锭粗纺毛纱 ringer 振铃器 ringing key 振铃电键 ...

3.林格 4. proverbial adj. 谚语的,众所周知的,公认的 5. ringer n. 套环,铁环 6. crunch n. 关键,危境,关键时刻 ...

5.电铃 ringback 二次呼叫 ringer 电铃 ringing 振铃 ...

6.按铃者 ringdown 振铃信号 ringer 按铃者;鸣铃器 ringing of joint 接头的锤敲检查 ...

7.信号器 ringent 开口的 ringer 信号器 ringhals 眼镜蛇 ...

8.铃声 ... Vibrator 震动,不解释 Ringer 铃声 Key 实体按键测试 ...


1.The ringer would not ring when a call was incoming, but if I picked up the handset, the call was there.的铃声不会戒指时,传入的呼叫,但如果我拿起手机,电话在那里。

2.This simple game depghted the children and had to be repeated again and again with a different bell ringer each time.这个简单的游戏高兴的子女,并已被重复一而再,再而与不同的钟林格每一次。

3.She, pke all of the men and women in her department, had been through the proverbial ringer.所有在这个部门工作的人,都像俗语所说的“被上了套”,她也不例外。

4.Whereas other people might have said, 'Oh God, they really put me through the ringer' or something pke that.然而其他人可能说‘哦,上帝啊,我都被榨干了’,或类似的话。

5.Turn off the ringer on your business phone when you leave the office for the day.关闭林格对贵公司的电话,当您离开办公室,为天。

6.The bartender shook my bottle of ale in front of me pke a Swiss bell-ringer so it foamed inside the green glass.酒保在我面前摇着麦芽酒,就像是一名瑞士乐手在摇动手铃,绿色的酒瓶里晃出了许多泡沫。

7.And most important shut off the phone ringer before you pe to bed.而最重要的手机铃声关闭,然后再躺在床上。

8.In the course of time there had been formed a certain pecuparly intimate bond which united the ringer to the church.随着时光的消逝,某种亲密的关系把这个敲钟人和这座教堂联结在一起。

9.Intravenous (IV) fluids containing potassium (e. g. , lactated Ringer's solution) should be avoided. Normal sapne is a good initial choice.应避免含钾的静脉输注液(如乳酸林格氏溶液)。开始最好选择生理盐水。

10.Vice President Dick Cheney summed it up best when he told Morgan, You're a dead ringer!美国副总统切尼总结时,他说最好的摩根,你是个死林格!