


美式发音: [ˈɡɪni] 英式发音: ['ɡɪni]

n.几尼(英国旧时金币或货币单位,价值 21 先令,现值 1.05 英镑。现时有些价格仍用几尼计算,如马匹买卖)





1.几尼(英国旧时金币或货币单位,价值 21 先令,现值 1.05 英镑。现时有些价格仍用几尼计算,如马匹买卖)an old British gold coin or unit of money worth 21 shilpngs (= now £1.05). Prices are sometimes still given in guineas , for example when buying or selpng horses.

n.1.【国】几内亚;几内亚共和国,位于非洲西部2.几内亚3.畿尼4.〈口〉同“guinea fowl”1.【国】几内亚;几内亚共和国,位于非洲西部2.几内亚3.畿尼4.〈口〉同“guinea fowl”

n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Guinea, located in western Africa2.<spoken>Same as guinea fowl3.a unit of money or a gold coin used in Britain in the past, worth £1.05

1.几内亚 危地马拉( Guatemala) 几内亚( Guinea) 圭亚那( Guyana) ...

2.几内亚宣布独立日 尼日利亚国庆日 NIGERIA 几内亚宣布独立日 GUINEA 乌干达独立日 UGAND…

3.几内亚共和国 危地马拉 GUATEMALA 几内亚共和国 GUINEA 几内亚比绍 GUINEA-BISSAU ...

4.几尼 guilty a. 感到有罪的 guinea n. 几尼(英国金币) face vt. 面临 ...

5.畿内亚 摩尔多瓦 Moldova 畿内亚 Guinea 缅甸 Myanmar ...

6.畿尼 莫桑比克驻香港荣誉领事(Mozambique) 几内亚驻香港荣誉领事(Guinea) 毛里裘斯驻香港荣誉领事(Mauritius) 乌拉圭驻香港 …

8.科纳克里 Ghana 阿克拉 Guinea 科纳克里 Guinea-Bissau 比绍 ...


1.Oh, it did not take place in Africa, a Middle East country or a hidden tribe in Papua New Guinea, but Malaysia.这不是非洲,这不是中东,这不是巴布亚新几内亚深山老林里的原始部落,这是马来西亚。

2."You filthy guinea spoiled brat , " he said venomously. "Clean that up right now or I'll kick the shit out of you. "“你这个娇生惯养的臭婆娘,”他凶神恶煞似的说,“快给我打扫干净,要不,我要把你踢得屁滚尿流。”

3.For all the uproar, Guinea's first iron ore mine is still at least four years away and Rusal continues to churn out bauxite.尽管吵闹声一片,但几内亚首座铁矿石矿上马仍至少需要4年时间,而俄铝仍将继续开采铝土矿。

4.With the rugged Owen Stanley Mountains supplying an almost impassable backbone, the body of New Guinea was one vast jungle.新几内亚岛上覆盖着大片的丛林,难以逾越的欧文.斯坦利山脉蜿蜒崎岖在岛上。

5.The parasites enter the body when a person drinks water containing water fleas infected with Guinea worm larvae, the young form of the worm.当一个人饮用的水中含有被几内亚龙线幼虫(龙线虫的幼体)感染的水蚤,寄生虫就进入人体。

6.One of the most striking examples of the pattern was evident in New Guinea, said the scientists.科学家们说,这种模式最突出的例证之一显然是在新几内亚。

7.People have been kind enough not to think of me as a guinea pig.还好人们对我很好,没把我当试验用的小白鼠。

8.So , when he captain of a ship asked me to go with him to Guinea in Africa , I agreed .所以,当一位船长要求我和他一起去非洲的几内亚时,我答应了。

9.Despite Mann's hopes that he might be released by Zimbabwe, he was sent to Equatorial Guinea at the end of January this year.曼恩希望津巴布韦能够将他释放,但是他却于今年一月底被送至赤道几内亚。

10.However, he said the railway would form the first leg of a planned "trans-Guinea rail network" .不过他表示,上述铁路将成为拟议的“跨几内亚铁路网”的首个路段。