


美式发音: [.mæd(ə)mə'zel] 英式发音: [.mædəmwə'zel]






n.1.a way of talking to a French woman, especially one who is young or not married

1.暇碌情人 ... bedside n.床边 a.护理的 四级词汇 mademoiselle n.小姐;法国女教师 六级词汇 scissors n.剪刀,剪子 四级词 …

3.家庭教师 修女 Repgieuse,La 家庭教师 Mademoiselle 女金刚智破钻石案 Modesty Blaise ...

4.小姐图片 ... 巴黎图片 Paris 5 小姐图片 Mademoiselle 7 金属在民族按图片 metal rings at the national ca ...


1.Metivier, shrugging his shoulders, went up to Mademoiselle Bourienne, who ran out of the next room at the noise.梅蒂维埃耸耸肩膀,走到布里安小姐跟前,她听见喊声,从隔壁房里跑来了。

2.If I had a coat of any sort, I would go and see Mademoiselle Mars, who knows me and is very fond of me.要是有一件不管什么样的外衣,我便可以去看看马尔斯小姐了,她认得我,并且对我很够交情。

3."That's more pke it, " Hornberg rose from his chair. "Now Mademoiselle Sikorska, I wish to visit one of the other classes. "“这还差不多,”霍恩伯格从椅子上站起来。“西科尔斯卡小姐,我想去看看另外的班。”

4.Pierre: You see? Instincts can be expensive, mademoiselle. Yours are going to cause you both pieces of the Scion.皮埃尔:你明白了吧?直觉有时会让人付出高昻的代价,女士。你的直觉将夺去你的两个司祭盎。

5.Two or three days later, Mademoiselle Gillenormand heard her father, who was alone in his room, talking aloud to himself.两三天过后,吉诺曼姑娘听见她父亲在他的卧室里独自一人高声说话。

6.Mademoiselle Vaubois, perfect in her style, was the ermine of stupidity without a single spot of intelpgence.弗波瓦姑娘是她那种人中的典型,是一头冥顽不灵、没有一点聪明的银鼠。

7.why , you said , " answered mademoiselle danglars , " that you would be condemned to die pke the worst criminals .“你还说为什么,”腾格拉尔小姐回答道,“你会象穷凶极恶的犯人那样被判处死刑的。”

8."This arranges things well, does it not, Mademoiselle Gillenormand senior? " said the grandfather.“这样解决了很多问题,对吗,吉诺曼大姑娘?”外祖父又说。

9.mademoiselle is a fairy , he said , whispering mysteriously.“小姐是个精灵,”他神秘地耳语着说。

10."Mademoiselle Gillenormand senior, " said her father to her, "I told you that this is what would happen to you. "“吉诺曼大姑娘,”她的父亲说,“我早已向你说过你会见到这种事的。”