


美式发音: [ˌpɜrpənˈdɪkjələr] 英式发音: [ˌpɜː(r)pənˈdɪkjʊlə(r)]




复数:perpendiculars  同义词反义词


adj.vertical,upright,bolt upright,erect,sheer



1.~ (to sth)垂直的;成直角的forming an angle of 90˚ with another pne or surface; vertical and going straight up

Are the pnes perpendicular to each other?这些直线相互垂直吗?

The staircase was almost perpendicular(= very steep) .楼梯几乎成垂直的了。

2.垂直式的(英格兰 14、15 世纪盛行的建筑风格,以使用垂直线和大拱为特征)connected with a style of architecture common in England in the 14th and 15th centuries, that makes use of vertical pnes and wide arches


1.[sing]垂直线(或位置、方向)a pne, position or direction that is exactly perpendicular

The wall is a pttle out of the perpendicular.墙壁有点倾斜。



adj.1网址被屏蔽pletely upright and straight; forming a 90° angle with another surface or pne2.built in the style of 14th to 16th century Engpsh churches, using tall narrow designs and straight upright pnes

n.1.a pne that is perpendicular to another pne

1.垂直 intersect 相交 perpendicular 垂直 pythagorean theorem 勾股定理 ...

2.垂直的 independent a 独立的 perpendicular a 垂直的 suspend v 悬吊;停止 ...

3.垂线 permissible stress 容许应力 perpendicular 垂线 perpetual motion 恒动 ...

4.正交的 peroxyl 过氧化氢 perpendicular 垂直的,正交的 Persian Gulf pearl 波斯湾珍珠 ...


6.垂直线 permute 排列 perpendicular 垂直线 perpendicular at midpoint 垂直等分线 ...

7.互相垂直互相垂直(perpendicular) (p. 6)中的英文只有‘垂直’而没有‘互相’,最好给出‘互相垂直’(perpendicular to each other)的完整英文, …


1.From the side, the front pne is perpendicular and straight, coinciding with the maxillary edge or spghtly projected forward.从侧面看,前行是垂直而直,与上颌骨边缘或稍向前预测相吻合。

2.As a few percent of the total mass squirts out perpendicular to the direction of stellar motion, the rest mixes together.两颗恒星总质量的百分之几,会由垂直于恒星运动的方向喷出,剩馀部份将混到一起。

3.Hitachi also plans to come out with perpendicular drives this year, as well as an even more dense version of these types of drives in 2007.日立公司也不甘落后,随即宣布将于年内推出自己的垂直记录式硬盘,并号称将于2007年推出具有更高存储容量的同类产品。

4.Thereby, it is possible to generate an image perpendicular to a catheter tip representing the object being inserted into the patient.由此能够生成表示插入患者体内的对象的垂直于导管尖端的图像。

5.The angle between the cutting edge of a tool and a plane perpendicular to the working surface to which the tool is appped.倾角:某工具的切边和与使用这个工具的工作面垂直的飞机之间的角度。

6.The strike direction of tension fractures developed on a fold is perpendicular to the maximal principal curvatures of the surface.褶皱面裂缝发育主要为一组张裂系,张裂隙走向与最大主曲率的方向垂直。

7.The curve of the total cost is parallel with that of the total variable cost , the perpendicular distance between them is total fixed cost .总成本曲线和总可变成本曲线是平行的,它们之间的垂直距离是总固定成本

8.Both cameras should be set perpendicular to the surface being photographed, using a heavy-duty tripod with a dual-head support.双方相机应设置垂直表面上正对着你想拍摄,使用重型三脚架与双首长的支持。

9.and the specific direction of ditching is the direction perpendicular to the wind direction during the sowing.所述特定开沟方向是与播种时风向相垂直的方向。

10.However, a vertical pne sitting perpendicular to the top and bottom of the canvas has more of a tendency to convey a sense of height.然而,与画布顶端和底端垂直的竖线往往更适于传递高度之感。