


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.同步(sync) * F:FIN - 结束; 结束会话 * S:SYN - 同步; 表示开始会话请求 * P:PUSH - 推送; 数据包立即发送 ...

2.突触素(synaptophysin) 荧光分析— FIA 合成SYN 优级纯试剂 Guaranteed reagent ...

4.综合 (aero 空气,航空+ (syn 综合+ (imper 帝国+ ...

5.空转同步 VT 垂直制表 SYN 空转同步 SOH 标题开始 ...

6.同步空闲 NAK 否定 SYN 同步空闲 ETB 传输块结束 ...

7.同步信号 DH CP 发送路由器发现选项时启用。 4、防止 SYN 洪水攻击 SYN 攻击保护包括减少 ...


1.Merip was one of the few genuine Prophets working within the Church of the Dark Side, and she became Syn's spiritual advisor.梅里利是从属于黑暗教会中少数货真价实的预言者之一,她成为了西恩的精神导师。

2.Most TCP sessions start with one endpoint sending a SYN packet, to which the other party responds with a SYN -ACK packet.我们知道,绝大多数的TCP会话的建立,都是通过一端先发送一个SYN包开始,另一方则回发一个SYN-ACK包的过程。

3.You can see that the attacker will only have to send a few SYN packets every ten seconds or so to disable a specific port.您会发现,攻击者只要每十秒钟左右发送几个SYN包就可以禁用特定端口。

4.Attacker sends a TCP SYN packet to the target port from his own IP address (or one he controls) to request a connection.攻击者从自己的的IP地址(或者他控制的)发送一个TCPSYN攻击或者自己包到目标端口请求连接。

5.Description: Before the Smurf attack came into vogue, the SYN flood attack was the most devastating Denial of service attack.描述:在Smurf攻击流行之前,SYN扩散攻击是最具破坏性的拒绝服务攻击。

6.Syn, however, did not forget his roots, naming his flagship after a word used by the Sacred Way's clergymen when addressing laypeople.但西恩并没有忘记自己最初的信仰,他根据神圣之道的神职人员称呼普通信徒的词语命名自己的旗舰。

7.Incubation of recombinant -SYN protein with isolated mitochondria led to transportation of this protein into mitochondria.人重组-SYN与分离线粒体进行孵育后,以剂量依赖的方式转运到线粒体内。

8.Port prediction allows a host to guess the NAT mapping for a connection before sending the outbound SYN and is discussed in detail later.端口预报允许一个主机去猜测NAT映射,找到一个在发出外发的SYN包的连接,这个在之后还会讨论到。

9.And obviously this process, the syn-fuel process, is coming back in vogue with the energy crisis around now.很明显这个过程,合成燃料的过程,随着能源危机的到来,变得又时髦起来了。

10.The address and port to which these original SYNs are sent is determined through port prediction.地址和端口指向那些最初的SYN包发向的通过端口预指定的地方。