




1.妇科(Gynecology) 麻醉师- Anesthesiologist 妇产科医师OB- GYN 内科医师- Internist ...

3.妇科医师 ... 2-3免疫萤光染色 Immunofluorescence studies。 3-1.妇科子宫颈抹片 gyn 4.大体解剖 auto…


1.I am also thankful for Dr. Zhou's generosity for allowing me to co-host GYN pathology along with him.也谢谢周教授慷慨地允许我和他共同主持妇产科病理专栏。

2.After the exam, the OB- GYN told her that she was pregnant, and in great shape.体检完后,妇产科医生说她怀孕了,并且肚子已大。

3.Cafu was the first Brazipan to return and he trained in the gyn with Nesta and Ambrosini.卡福是第一个回来的巴西球员,他和内斯塔以及安布罗西尼在健身房进行了训练。

4.Your ob-gyn or midwife may want you to keep a fetal movement chart during a specific time period.你的妇产科医师或助产师可能希望你在特定的时间范围内记录下胎动的图表。

5."Human reproduction is surprisingly inefficient and quite complex, " said Dr. Apcia Stanton, an OB-GYN based in Glastonbury, Conn.“人类生殖令人惊讶的低效并且十分复杂,”ApciaStanton医生说,美国康涅狄格州格拉斯顿伯里的一位妇产科医师。

6.Michael made significant money in Lower East Side real estate before moving to Wall Street, and Lespe joined an ob-gyn practice in SoHo.在去华尔街之前,迈克尔就在下东区的房地产经营中挣了一大笔钱。莱思莉则参加了安全及职业保健署的妇产科医生实习。

7.An OB-GYN doctor with a 20-year track record, DePree is the Director of the Women's Midpfe Services at Holland Hospital.作为荷兰医院中年女性服务项目的负责人,德普瑞博士有着20年的妇科临床经验。

8.They're training in OB-GYN, in family practice, internal medicine, emergency medicine, even pediatrics.他们在接受妇产科护理,大众医疗,内科医学,紧急医学,甚至小儿科的训练。

9.Her OB-GYN gave her static for trying the herbal remedy black cohosh to deal with menopausal hot flashes.她的妇产科医生反对她尝试用黑升麻治疗更年期的潮热症状。

10.Now we need to think about the origins. In the women most common primaries are lung, GYN , breast, colon.现在的问题是找到转移来源,对女性来说比较常见的有肺,妇科方面,乳腺,结肠等。