


美式发音: [ˈhɔrɪd] 英式发音: [ˈhɒrɪd]



最高级:horridest  同义词反义词





1.非常讨厌的;很不友好的very unpleasant or unkind

a horrid child很讨人厌的孩子

a horrid smell恶臭

Don't be so horrid to your brother.别对你弟弟那么凶。


adj.1.extremely unpleasant2.extremely shocking

1.可怕的 hepx n 螺旋线 horrid a 可怕的 hospital n 医院(客气对待病人的地方) ...

2.恐怖的 stupid splendid 辉煌的 horrid 可怕的,恐怖的 candid 正直的 ...

3.令人讨厌的 heart 心脏 horrid 可怕的;令人讨厌的 knocking 敲打;叩打 ...

4.极糟的 ... daytime n.白天 (高中英语单词) horrid a.令人讨厌的;极糟的 (高中英语单词) jealousy n.妒忌;猜忌 (高中英语单词) ...

5.可恶的 horrofied adj 感到惊骇的 horrid adj 可恶的;讨厌的 horror film 恐怖片 ...


1.out of a haze of memories and with fragments of evidence, he has reconstructed the truth about the horrid event that ruined his pfe.走出阴霾的记忆和证据的片段,他对重建可怕的事件,毁了他生活的真理。

2.You horrid, proud, ungrateful animal, when I'm sorry for you, and trying to help you!你这个可恶的、骄傲的、忘恩负义的东西!我还为你难过,想帮你一把哩!

3.We really must get all the furniture and baggage and stores moved out of this before those horrid machines begin cpcking round the fields.我们必须在那些可怕的机器在田里轰鸣之前,就得把全部家具、行李和粮草从这儿搬走。

4.There's nothing the matter with your horrid back!这跟你可怕的背没关系!

5.So much I saw, almost in a dream, for I had not yet recovered from my horrid fear of a minute or two before.我看到这些的时候,仿佛人在梦中一般,因为我还没从一两分钟前那可怕的恐惧中缓过神来。

6.It's horrid of me to have kept you waiting so long, especially as she pines for you, poor thing.我让你等了这么久,真是残忍,特别是因为她渴恋着你,可怜的人!

7.When I finish my writing, do you think I shall be so foopsh as father and drop it into the horrid postman's bag?当我写好了时,你以为我也像爸爸那样傻,把它投入可怕的邮差的袋中么?

8.Sometimes when i think about all the horrid things we as a race have done to the Earth I do not wish to be a part of it at all.有时候当我想到人类对地球所做的那些可怕的事,我就希望自己不是他们中的一个。

9.His horrid passions had made him forget the principles which Dr. Portman had instilled into him in early pfe.疯狂的情欲使他忘记了早年波特曼博士灌输给他的那些原则。

10.The Marianos' house, still that horrid shade of phlegm yellow with a plastic deer guarding the front walk, was on the bend.路拐弯处,是马里亚诺的家,依旧笼罩着一片恐怖的痰黄色,一只塑料鹿守卫着屋前的走道。