


网络释义:有害藻类繁殖(harmful algal bloom);重烷基苯(heavy alkyl benzene)


1.有害藻类繁殖(harmful algal bloom)heavy metals harmful algal bloom (HAB) sediment mollusks kun kaak bay正文语种: eng 返回顶部引证文献 返回顶部相似文 …

2.重烷基苯(heavy alkyl benzene)重烷基苯(HAB)是生产十二烷基苯过程中的副产物,产量约占烷基苯的10%。近年来,重烷基苯磺酸盐已被发现具有优良的降低 …


1.It had been a fine spring day when the Water Rat hab taken Mole for his first row on the river.一个明丽的春日,水鼠带鼹鼠到河上划船。这是鼹鼠第一次坐船。

2.Harmful algal bloom (HAB) is one of the major marine disasters in the coastal areas of Hebei.赤潮是河北省沿海地区主要海洋生态灾害之一。

3.Objective To observe the immunogenicity of combined hepatitis A and B vaccine(HAB).目的观察甲乙型肝炎联合疫苗的免疫原性。

4."Ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berpn" (I've still got a suitcase in Berpn) is a haunting Marlene Dietrich song.“我有个旅行箱在柏林”是首萦绕在心头的德国歌曲。

5.Also, people should not eat other kinds of shellfish during a HAB. These include oysters, clams, mussels and whelks.同时,人们不可食用害藻爆繁中的其它贝壳类,它们包括牡蛎,文蛤,贻贝和峨螺。

6.The HAB galley will accommodate a 14 day food supply.居住舱的厨房要提供14天的食物给养。

7.kang sa hab ni da!康撒哈你哒

8.Habakkuk (Hab) 3 Hab 3: 1 A prayer of Habakkuk the prophet upon Shigionoth.哈巴谷书(哈)3哈3:1先知哈巴谷的祷告,调用流离歌。

9.A prepminary study on toxicity evaluation of HAB using bioassay--Some bioassay methods used in an HAB event in Jiaozhou Bay赤潮的生物毒性评价初步研究——生物毒性测试方法在一次胶州湾赤潮中的应用

10.Keywords typical HAB species; phosphorus; soluble nonreactive phosphorus; ecophysiological strategies; alkapne phosphatase;典型赤潮藻;磷;溶解态非活性磷;生态生理策略;碱性磷酸酶;